I present to you this beautiful dog, her name is freedom/Les presento a esta hermosa perrita, su nombre es libertad.

Hola hermosa comunidad de Hive Pest

Hello beautiful Hive Pest community


Hoy les presento a esta hermosa perra, es una raza emparentada, me han dicho que es una raza "salchicha" con otro perro que realmente no sé cuál.
Today I present to you this beautiful dog, it is a related breed, I have been told that it is a "sausage" breed with another dog that I really do not know which one.

Les digo que no sé por qué este era un cachorro que le regalaron a mi primo pero no lo cuidó porque era un adolescente sin responsabilidades con su mascota
I tell you that I don't know why this was a puppy that was given to my cousin but he did not take care of it because he was a teenager with no responsibilities towards his pet.

Mi abuela se hizo cargo del cachorro desde que mi primo se lo llevó a casa, ella le dio los cuidados necesarios, y un día mi primo le dijo, abuela, esa mascota es tuya, yo te la daré, yo sé que tú la cuidas mucho y es tu compañera.
My grandmother took care of the puppy since my cousin took him home, she gave him the necessary care, and one day my cousin told her, grandmother, that pet is yours, I will give it to you, I know that you take care of it a lot and is your partner.

Libertad es una mascota muy cariñosa, y muy atenta con todos los que llegan a casa, porque en las fotos se puede ver como me recibe todos los días cuando visito a mi abuela. y por la noche está muy atenta a cualquier ruido que advierte con sus fuertes ladridos.
Libertad is a very affectionate pet, and very attentive to everyone who comes home, because in the photos you can see how she welcomes me every day when I visit my grandmother. and at night she is very attentive to any noise that she warns with her loud barking.

El amor y la ternura de la libertad reinician mi día, me libera del estrés.

The love and tenderness of freedom restart my day, it frees me from stress.


A ella le encanta ser acariciada

she loves to be caressed

Cada vez que vengo a la casa de mi abuela y me siento en ese sofá, ella se sube encima de mí para darnos mucho cariño.

Every time I come to my grandmother's house and I sit on that sofa, she climbs on top of me to give us a lot of love.


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Un consejo para los que dicen dame ese cachorro, por favor no preguntes si realmente sabes que no están en condiciones de cuidarlo y protegerlo, un animal necesita tu cuidado, no es simplemente llevárselo a casa y tirarlo. , ¡NO!

Los perros necesitan comida, cuidados y vacunas y mucho cariño, y tendrás un buen compañero que te amará tanto como tú a él.

A tip for those who say give me that puppy, please do not ask if you really know that they are not in a position to care for and protect it, an animal needs your care, it is not simply to take it home and throw it away. , NOT!

Dogs need food, care and vaccinations and a lot of love, and you will have a good companion who will love you as much as you love him.

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