What if,


You might be wondering why I rarely post my dog on Hive, welp it is easier said than done.

As much as I love this pup, she has made everything about her a chore.
Lucy is a spoilt brat and the dangerous thing is she is well aware of that and uses it to her advantage every single time.

From feeding to obeying simple training is not easy with this one.
We literally have to beg Lucy to eat and I’ve lost count of how many brands of dog food we have either given out or thrown away because of her selective taste.

Imagine how hard it is to convince her to eat not to talk of pose for my blog so it’s safe to say Lucy is built different. Though she’s naturally very well behaved and charming so I guess she deserves some kind of credit.


That aside, today both Lucy and I nearly had a heart attack.
I was on bed seeing a movie with her laying by my feet then she suddenly jumped off the bed immediately and ran to the living room. I thought it was her usual preparation to bark at an invisible being she seem to notice at the door all the time so I shrugged it off and continued with my movie.
But it wasn’t that at all, Lucy was choking and breathing out loud.

I ran to the living room to know the situation only for me to find her fighting for her breathe. I couldn’t figure out if she was trying to cough or sneeze but she was really struggling through her nose.

So clueless and at impulse I tried to pat her back to ease off whatever was disturbing her throat but that didn’t work.
I tried giving her water, but she declined. All I could think of was let this dog not die on me please God!

I was panicking and running out of ideas. I dialed my siblings numbers but no one was answering.
I immediately took her outside to inhale fresh air and surprisingly that worked. She coughed for a few seconds till it finally stopped and with that, I have never felt so relieved in my life.

I contacted my vet and she agreed that something must’ve been stuck in her throat and I should inspect her neck for any lump or object. I did but couldn’t feel any so I informed her and she instructed me to just take her outside for a while before bringing her back inside.

And that is how we landed here.

me hugging and appreciating her while I still can

I couldn’t stop thinking of what could’ve gone wrong if no one was at home, but I’m thankful nothing did and my baby is safe and sound.

I took the opportunity to give her a Photoshoot which by the way was a huge struggle because Lucy hate cameras. And as a reward, I let her play catch for a few minutes outside before she demanded to go back inside for her usual beauty nap.




To pet owners, have you ever witnessed your pet having a life threatening problem?

Thanks for reading!

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