All dogs need love and a home.

Guys, I'm here to share with you a personal project of mine. In the condominium where I live, a dog who lives inside my condominium, but doesn't belong to anyone, she lives on the street. She just gave birth to 4 puppies, not being neutered, I think two of the four puppies ended up being adopted, which I'm very happy with 😍, but there are still two that still need our support and that are for adoption.

My project here is to bring you my idea, that I will share with with them until they are adopted and the entire fundraising is fully converted to the puppies with the mother's feeding and treatment of the puppies until they find one. home.



They are super sweet and also super playful, the mother is not so loving, that's why they live together playing with each other. The lightest is the most electric, he is always running around and biting things, when he grows up it will certainly take work, but who doesn't like cuteness like that? The other is the quieter one, he is lying down sleeping most of the time, but occasionally giving the air of grace in some antics.





So guys, I want to emphasize and make it clear here that I will do my best to help these puppies find a home and that no dog deserves to be without love, because that's all they need, to be loved.

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