Bye bye earth, hello kitten heaven

Hey guys,

This is (not) my last message to you. I know you're probably wondering why I haven't written anything in a while. Well, the truth is, I passed away a few days ago. It was very sudden and unexpected. I don't know exactly what happened, but it happened.

I'm sorry if that makes you sad. I want you to remember me as the happy kitten I was. The last 3 months with @dirkzett have been the best time of my life. He has given me a home, a family and lots of love. He also gave me a name: Veka. And I think that's what I was: happy to have met him and you guys.

I had so much fun with him and my new siblings. We played together, cuddled and explored the world. He taught me how to climb trees, not to play with toads and how to be brave. He also took me on his walks sometimes, which was great. He always made sure I was safe and comfortable.

He also took good care of me when I was sick or injured. He would bathe me and give me medicine. He always spoke to me in a gentle voice and told me that everything would be okay. He never gave up believing in me even when things looked bad.

He was more than just my owner; he was my friend and my hero. He showed me kindness and compassion that I never knew before. He made me feel that I mattered and that I belonged somewhere. He made me happy.

And now I am in a place where there is no pain or suffering; only peace and joy. They call it cat heaven here; it's a beautiful place with green meadows, blue skies and lots of mice to chase. There are many other cats here too; some of them are my old friends who died before me; some of them are new friends who have welcomed me warmly.

But I miss you and @dirkzett very much. I wish I could see you again and tell you how much I love you. I wish I could thank you for all you have done for me. I wish I could hug you and purr in your ear.
But I know that's not possible. I know that you will have to go on living without me. And that's what I want. I want you to be happy and healthy. I want you to find new friends and new adventures. I want you to smile and laugh.

But please don't forget me. Please keep me in your hearts and in your memories. Please remember the good times we had together and the connection we shared. Please remember that I am always watching over you from above and that I am proud of you.

And maybe, just maybe, we will meet again one day. Maybe in another life, or in another world, or in another dimension. Maybe there is a place where we can be together again and never be apart again.

Your Veka

PS: I will continue to write about my siblings and friends who are still alive and hope you like my little stories.!

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