Battle over a cat box.

If you look into your cat's kitten box and see this arrangement, then something has gone wrong.

I actually thought that I had made it very clear to the crazy chicken yesterday that the cat box was for my cats and not for chickens running around.

I was expecting our cats to want to bring their kittens into our house in the days after they have given birth somewhere else.
That's taboo in our house and the cats know it, but so far none of them have tried.
That's why we have this cat box.
We can park the kittens that we find somewhere in the house there until they are all together. They never stay there for long, it's too public for the mother cats.

When I looked a few hours later at feeding time, the white/orange kitten had disappeared and instead I saw a white/black one and this freshly laid egg.

Obviously mama-cat has had her second baby, which is a good thing. But then the chicken must have conquered the box again and laid her egg.

But where is the other kitten?

I searched the whole house again, without success.
Mama-cat watched me quite relaxed, I probably even showed her a few nice places. Later I put her kitten outside at her feet and what does she do? She takes it and disappears under the roof of the neighbor's house.

Hopefully that's the end of it now, because we still have two pregnant cats.

I don't know what I'm going to do with the chicken yet. Should I let it lay eggs or should I slaughter it?
Or should I ask its owner for rent for the box?

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Veka, the bravest foundling kitten

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