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Hive pets || The story of a child with his hero cat !!!

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Great time for me pets lovers, We are very happy to have a Hivepets community

Today I saw a lot of changes in my children, they made something unique after a month I went out of town. When I returned home, I saw my little boy holding a beautiful cat in his arms. I smiled when I saw this happening in my house after the last month I left home. I went out of town to have an important business in 1 month. Seeing my child's love for cuddling cats reminds me of my childhood.

I am also an animal lover, my children give them full affection for pet cats. This cat is 4 months old, my wife adopted him in one of his grandfather's houses not far from the town we live in. Now my kids can't get away from these cute lock hugs they make him playmates when we're busy at work.

As long as my family has this cute cat, it really helps us, in terms of repelling mice that make noise at night. This cat is very tame and can steal our attention when we are busy working outside the house, we often bring it to work. :)

To be sure, we don't have a real name for this cute cat, we often call it sap, the reason is that my child often calls that name. I thought it was a unique name, easy to remember when we called him.

It sounds like the name sap, it doesn't mean anything, but for us it's a unique name. Sap's life is very luxurious, he is like a prince from heaven, like a story in a fairy tale.

This is a true story that happened in my little family, while I was out of town. I hope you also have a special pet cat for most of your family.

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