Whiskey and Terry one beautiful pet experience I had that made me admire nature.

This is whiskey my beautiful and hard-working dog we decided to get it a play mate, especially cause female play mate since it is a male.
Whiskey is a German Shepherd and loves to play a lot.

We decided to get whiskey a play mate named Terry. At first we got scared that the two dogs might not be comfortable with each other because we observed the aggressive look on the whisky's face especially on chain and when trying to reach out to Terry but is impossible.
Finally we gave it a try by bringing the two dogs together and look what we created.

We created Magic and noticed that the dog's loved themselves at first sight and wanted to coexist with each other.
I really love pet's so much.
This shows us the word in the Bible and why God sent a soul mate to be of help to man. No man is an island and would always want someone to lean on during the hard times.

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