Chipilo, a part of Italy in Mexico

Two weeks ago I went to grab a meal to a very tasty restaurant called "Il canton del Italian" located in Chipilo, a small town south of the city of Puebla. Chipilo is inhabited by people who have Italian roots. There's this fun myth that says that Chipileans marry between cousins and siblings to preserve the heritage and the blood purity but, thanks to some friends and acquaintances that live or are from there, now I know that it is not a myth, but a harsh truth.

Hace dos semanas fui a comer a un restaurante muy rico, llamado “il canton del Italian” que se encuentra en chipilo, una pequeña ciudad muy cerca del sur de Puebla en donde habitan individuos con descendencia Italiana. Existe el mito de que entre primos o hermanos tienen hijos para no perder la pureza, pero por algunos conocidos chipileños, ahora se que no es un mito, sino realidad.


In this small town there are many farms and bovine ranches, mainly vacune, and their specialty is making cheese and milk. If you ever decide to come here, you will find many dairy stores. In fact, everyone from all the towns nearby know this town as the cheese city.

En esta pequeña ciudad, muchos de los pobladores tienen ranchos en donde ordeñan vacas para hacer queso. Si algún día llegan a ir, verán muchas tiendas de lácteos. De hecho muchos la conocen como la ciudad de los quesos .


Anyway, today I decided I wanted to come back to this tasty and yummy restaurant. When I was there eating with a friend, a dog came to us and spent some time next to our table, which is weird because there aren't many restaurants that allow this behaviour, especially coming from stray dogs; they don't even let them in.

Pero bueno, hoy que quise regresar al restaurante porque estaba muy rico, llego un perro mientras comía con un amigo a hacernos compañía. Lo que es raro, porque en muy pocos restaurantes que no son pet friendly no los dejan entrar.


The pasta al Pesto that I ordered. I shared it with this little furry friend and I wanted to take a picture to share it with you guys because he looks very funny when he eats it.

La pasta al pesto que pedí, la compartí con el y quise tomarle fotos porque se veía muy chistoso comiendo.

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