✦ The Day I Became A CAT LOVER Person ♡

Hello, again fellow Hive friends. How are you? In today's year 2024, I will start my blog by sharing with you all the days I keep falling in love with my cats.

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✦ Miya & Ning-ning ✦

First, I would Like to introduce you all to my two lovely cats Miya & Ning-ning. These two cats are the ones who give me a lot of emotion. They give me anger, annoyance, and of course happiness. Miya is the mother of Ning-ning who got her cuteness with a little bit of big eyes, making Ning-ning even cuter.

♡How I Started Being a Cat Lover Person♡

To be honest, I wasn't a cat lover when I was young. I was a dog lover who thought that dogs were cuter and cooler. At that time I was watching a lot of series/movies that mentioned wolves and fell in love with how cool they look, I mean they are except for the part where some wolves eat human meat?! uhm do they..?? I don't know I was probably watching too many wolf series/movies that kept my misunderstanding that every wolf in the movies would also be the same in real life that they eat human meat. There was a little bit of similarity with wolves and dogs, right? That made me think that dogs and wolves are the same species.

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When Miya came, It changed my whole dog-lover era. At first, when Miya came I thought it was just a friendly visit but I would never thought we'd have cats in our home. Mom was the one who invited the cats over because of her problem with the mice at home, Even my dad was surprised since dad is also a dog lover.

My mom took two cats to chase the mice away. Miya & Layla are sisters with the same multi-color Orange, White, and Black. Both are female. Miya was my favorite. I don't know why maybe because Miya has a lot of white fur on her than Layla. Layla is also cute but I Like Miya more. Both of them were still a very little kitten that keeps eating and pooping everywhere which makes my dad very angry. So, my mother provides a basin with sand as their popping area.

♡Who is Ning-ning?♡

Ning-ning is the daughter of Miya. Yes, Miya gave birth to three kittens but sadly only Ning-ning survived. The First kitten died because of how small she was, she did not have enough strength to even walk and eventually died. The second one that died was an accident. The second kitten was my favorite she died because Dad accidentally stepped on her. I cried when I heard the kitten crying in pain. Then I immediately rushed to see what happened. I still remember how I took care of the kitten trying to save her, wiping her blood, feeding her food. I tried everything just to make her move again. She was still alive but couldn't move. I'm even still crying right now while remembering that sad moment. Now only Ning-ning is the survivor of Miya's little kittens, but she is not alone cause Layla's kittens are still with Ning-ning playing and having fun together.

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♡How I spend my time with this cuties♡

When Miya was still a teenager and Ning-Ning was still not around, I spent my time with Miya sleeping with her while she was on top of me, every morning dad took Miya inside our room and Miya immediately hopped on top of me while I still sleeping, At that time I even wondered where Miya came from how she got inside, she always surprises me with cuteness every morning I miss that day.

Right now Miya changed😭, and she doesn't get on top of me anymore Miya is in the adult era now😭, but she still sleeps with me, between my feet😆. Right now I'll just open the window for her to go inside and maybe sleep in bed while I'm doing homework, when I get stressed I'll just lay beside her cause her sleeping by my side reminds me of that time when she still sleeping on top of me but then again sadly when she sees me beside her she just like "alright time to change place" she hates me now😭.

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That's all for today. See you again in my next blog Thanks for reading and supporting my blog. Love you all♡

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