A dog named Leva with a difficult fate

To my surprise, I discovered a new competition here. And of course I hasten to share my story about pets.
#EcencyDiscord challenge this is the name of the section that leads @mypathtofire. This is my first participation, I hope my debude will be successful!
I want to tell you a little about my relative's pet. His name is Lev. We all affectionately call him Leva.
Unfortunately, I don’t have many photos of Leva’s dog. It's time for you to get to know him! Here is a handsome Leo.

He is already in his fifth year. For its five years, the dog has experienced a rather tragic life. When a friend met Leva, he lived with another mistress. His woman bought for exhibitions. I went to competitions with him several times, but did not win places of honor. Then Leva was sent to live on the street with two large dogs. I don't know the exact breed. Once they bit him badly, and Levushka also broke one of his paws. Now he walks with a limp. Immediately the dog was not taken to the veterinarian, the paw did not grow together correctly. He was cold, hungry, tired. My friend looked at the poor dog Leva and asked me to take him to her home. Too bad for the dog though. She is thoroughbred with papers. She needs to be looked after, this is a domestic dog, not a street dog. If only such owners, who were like Leva, would have their hands cut off for such treatment of animals.

If you think that the lion began a happy carefree life, then it wasn’t there (The girlfriend has three more dogs besides Leva. They already lived with a friend. Lev became friends with two dogs Redhead and Anfisa. Neither Lev nor Anfisa conflict with the redhead. But the Big Cupid crippled the life of the Lion a little more.Cupid is a husky that my girlfriend's children got.Here he is in the photo below with my daughter.Even with the naked eye you can see how small the lion is compared to the husky Amur.

The lion constantly touches Cupid. He barks at him, takes away his favorite toys, and even worse, Cupid's bones. For this, Cupid tries to bite him forever. The girlfriend keeps an eye on their troubles as best she can. Always pulls them apart. But one day Lyova stole a bone from Amur and was badly bitten. Straight very strong. Leo's eyes fell out. A friend immediately took him to a veterinary clinic, Lev's eye was sewn up as best they could. I was given eye treatment. A friend cured her eye as best she could. But unfortunately Leva remained blind in one eye. Of course, the fate of the dog is not smart.

His girlfriend is taking good care of him. She cuts as needed, buys specialized food. When a friend took the dog she gained weight quickly, runs, barks and frolic.

In the end, I want to say that having a pet at home is a big responsibility. Maybe that's why I don't have pets at home. After all, they need to be walked, combed out, in time to do all the vaccinations, feed. Before planting animals in the house, you need to carefully weigh everything, think twice and whether you can keep this animal. Worst of all, when the animal is taken, they play with it for a week or two and then throw it out into the street. My neighbor did the same. My daughter asked for a kitten, they got it. They threw it out after three weeks.

I hope such non-pre-Soviet hosts will not remain on the planet. better not start.

All photos were taken with a smartphone Xiaomi Mi A3.
Here is the link to the challenge.

I hope you enjoyed my story about Leva.

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