Sterilization has arrived | Panela is already operated 馃悤

Greetings friends of the pets, as I promised I tell you that Panela is already sterilized and it happened on a Sunday in a sterilization day that was done here in Medellin, by the way, this type of actions are very often because in Colombia there is much concern that the pets are sterilized. In this type of operations the price is cheaper and it is good that they are done often because there are many economic advantages and the attention is excellent.

I remind you that Panela is my third adopted pet, she is an adult dog that was thrown to the street with her puppies, we don't know where they ended up. Her story is very sad and now that she has a home I try to give her the attention she didn't have before. Now, she has a new life, an identification tag, a comfortable bed and now she can have the operation for her sterilization.

Saludos amigos de las mascotas, como lo promet铆 les cuento que Panela ya est谩 esterilizada y sucedi贸 un d铆a domingo en una jornada de esterilizaci贸n que se hizo aqu铆 en Medell铆n, por cierto, este tipo de acciones son muy seguidas porque en Colombia hay mucha preocupaci贸n para que las mascotas est茅n esterilizadas. En este tipo de operativos el precio sale m谩s econ贸mico y es bueno que se hagan seguidos porque son muchas las ventajas econ贸micas y la atenci贸n es excelente.

Les recuerdo que Panela es mi tercera mascota adoptada, ella es una perra adulta que lanzaron a la calle junto a sus cachorros, estos no se sabe a d贸nde fueron a parar. Su historia es muy triste y ahora desde que tiene un hogar procuro darle la atenci贸n que no tuvo antes. Ahora, tiene una vida nueva, una placa de identificaci贸n, una cama c贸moda y ahora ya le pude cumplir con la operaci贸n para su esterilizaci贸n.


When we arrived at the clinic, we had seven dogs ahead of us although many more had already passed, because the day attracted many people. But while it was Panela's turn, we waited outside for a while because the other dogs made her restless, in fact we hoped that her mood towards other dogs would improve with the sterilization.

Cuando llegamos a la cl铆nica, ten铆amos siete perros por delante aunque ya hab铆an pasado muchos m谩s, porque la jornada atrajo a muchas personas. Pero mientras le tocaba su turno a Panela, esperamos un rato afuera porque los otros perros la ponen inquieta, de hecho esperamos que su humor hacia otros perros mejore con la esterilizaci贸n.


Panela's turn came. She had to be weighed, then she was passed on for her operation and everything went quickly, in a few minutes she was sterilized.

Lleg贸 el turno de Panela. Hab铆a que pesarla, luego la pasaron para su operaci贸n y todo fue r谩pido, en pocos minutos estaba esterilizada.


After the operation, Panela will wait a while for recovery and then she will be discharged, although she is still under anesthesia. Look, it looks like a hanging tissue, she was heavily sedated.

Luego de la operaci贸n se espera un rato para la recuperaci贸n y despu茅s le dan el alta a Panela, aunque ella sigue bajo el efecto de la anestesia. Miren, parece un pa帽uelo colgadito, estaba muy sedada.


We did not come by cab. My Panela was very quiet, as it is logical after an operation. Look at her with her tongue hanging out and her gaze lost.

No vinimos en taxi. Mi Panela muy quieta, como es l贸gico luego de una operaci贸n. M铆renla con su lengua afuera y su mirada perdida.


We have just arrived at the house. The first one to come is Waffles, who is surprised by her sister Panela's lack of energy. I told her: Panela is already operated, now she is sedated lying down. Waiting for the anesthesia to wear off 馃檨 And Waffles sniffs her, trying to understand what is going on.

Acabamos de llegar a la casa. La primera en venir es Waffles quien est谩 extra帽ada por la falta de energ铆a de su hermana Panela. Le dije: Ya Panela est谩 operada, ahorita est谩 sedada acostadita. Esperando que se le pase la anestesia 馃檨 Y Waffles la olfatea, intentado entender que sucede.


The anesthesia is wearing off and she is waking up. I take the opportunity to see how the wound is after the trip to the house.

El efecto de la anestesia est谩 pasando y se est谩 despertando. Aprovecho de ver un poco como est谩 la herida luego del trayecto hasta la casa.


Everything seemed fine. Although she looked bad, like she was confused and scared. But she had reason to be.

Toda parec铆a bien. Aunque ella se notaba mal, como confundida y asustada. Pero ten铆a raz贸n de estarlo.


She has woken up but her back legs are still numb. I didn't want her to be in pain when the anesthesia wore off, so I looked for the treatment the vet ordered.

Ella ya se despert贸 pero todav铆a tiene dormida las patas de atr谩s. Yo no quer铆a que tuviera dolor cuando le pasara el efecto de la anestesia, entonces busque el tratamiento que le mand贸 el veterinario.


The treatment indicated in the clinic was given there and it was two things. Azimelox pills and a cream.

El tratamiento que indican en la cl铆nica lo dan all谩 y eran dos cosas. Unas pastillas de Azimelox y una crema.


The pills were two and I gave him half a pill every 24 hours for four days. The vet explained to me that these Azimelox pills are composed of Azithromycin and Meloxicam, as you can see in the picture and it is a broad spectrum antibiotic plus anti-inflammatory and analgesic, so they would also help her to calm the pain.

Las pastillas eran dos y le daba media pastilla cada 24 horas por cuatro d铆as. El veterinario me explic贸 que estas pastillas de Azimelox est谩n compuestas por Azitromicina y Meloxicam, como pueden ver en la foto y es un antibi贸tico de amplio espectro m谩s antiinflamatorio y analg茅sico, entonces la ayudar铆an tambi茅n a calmar el dolor.


The cream is healing, with antibiotic plus analgesic, so it works as a pain reliever, that's a relief for her. I didn't want her to suffer too much pain.

La crema es cicatrizante, con antibi贸tico m谩s analg茅sico, as铆 que funciona como calmante, eso es un alivio para ella. No quer铆a que sufriera mucho por dolor.


I also used a disinfectant spray for each wound dressing. I had that spray at home, because I bought it when Waffles was sterilized last year.

Adem谩s us茅 un spray desinfectante para cada cura de la herida. Ese spray lo ten铆a en casa, porque lo compr茅 cuando se esteriliz贸 a Waffles el a帽o pasado.


The wound had to be treated twice a day for 15 days, and at each treatment the cream had to be applied together with the spray and his girdle had to be put on to protect the operation and prevent the stitches from being damaged.

La herida hab铆a que curarla dos veces al d铆a por 15 d铆as, y en cada curada ponerle la crema junto al spray y ponerle su faja para proteger la operaci贸n y que no se le da帽aran los puntos.


The only thing I had to buy was a size 6 Elizabethan collar.

Lo 煤nico que tuve que comprar fue un collar isabelino talla 6.



When she tried on the collar she didn't even move, she stayed paralyzed with her head down and stayed that way while she had it on, but then she adapted to it, however she didn't use it much because she behaved very well with the wound from the very first moment. Thank God Panela, she never tried to remove the stitches with her teeth, what she did was to lick herself softly with her tongue on the girdle and her stitches were intact.

Al probarle el collar ni se mov铆a, se quedaba paralizada con la cabeza hacia abajo y as铆 se quedaba mientras lo ten铆a puesto pero luego se adapt贸 a 茅l, sin embargo no lo us贸 mucho porque ella se port贸 muy bien con la herida desde el primer momento. Gracias a Dios Panela, nunca intent贸 quitarse los puntos con los dientes, lo que hac铆a era lamerse suavecito con su lengua sobre la faja y sus puntos estaban intactos.


However, I did not trust completely when the wound was fresh because it is better to prevent accidents and I only sometimes put the collar on him, but only when he did not have the girdle on after the bandages.

De todas maneras yo no confiaba totalmente cuando la herida estaba reciente porque es mejor prevenir accidentes y solo le pon铆a a veces el collar, pero solo cuando no ten铆a la faja puesta luego de las curas.


She did not love that necklace and rightly so. But she never protested.

Ella no amaba ese collar y con toda raz贸n. Pero nunca protest贸.


Panela gave no problems at all, she is a good girl who recovered quickly and very well.

Panela no dio problemas para nada, es una buena chica que se recuper贸 r谩pido y muy bien.


I take this opportunity to tell everyone that if you have adult pets not yet sterilized, plan to do it because this way we avoid uncontrolled reproduction and the abandonment of animals in the streets. Sterilization is a simple surgical procedure in both females and males, and you can find out about operations in the city where you live.

Until a new story about my adopted pets.

Aprovecho decirle a todos que si tienen mascotas adultas a煤n sin esterilizar, planifiquen hacerlo porque as铆 evitamos su reproducci贸n descontrolada y el abandono de animales en las calles. La esterilizaci贸n es un procedimiento quir煤rgico sencillo tanto en hembras como en los machos, y pueden averiguar sobre operativos en la ciudad donde vivan ustedes.

Hasta un nuevo relato sobre mis mascotas adoptadas.

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