Movic Weekend Activities (The Cute Baby Civet)


Hello Hive Pets Community :)

February is a month full of Love, so i want to show how much i love my pet according to How do you show love to your pet ยกCONTEST! especially this cute baby civet that i loved. My cute baby civet name is Movic and he is 2 months old.

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Today i spent my weekend to accompany Movic and give him affection, for your informaton giving affection to our pets is very important things to do, so that our pets will be understanding you as owner well and feeling comfortable with you because of your love to them. I took movic to the backyard to play and get to know the outside environment so he could get used to the environment around the house.

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I let him to explore the backyard and he was began to smelling anything around his and unexpected thing happens that Movic ran up to the cassava tree and climbed it, prompting me to immediately capture the moment with my smartphone camera, he bit the tree trunk and looked very cute.

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After feeling enough to play, then i bathed Movic so that he is clean and healthy, besides keeping his hair from hairloss. Then i fed him and bring him to my room for take a nap because i have planning to bring Movic in Gathering Pet Lovers Community in my town.

My Selfies Photo With Movic Before Go to Gathering Event



Unfortunately, it was very late afternoon and I missed a few sessions during the gathering, until there I just shook hands and introduced Movic to friends in the community. I didn't have time to take pictures because some of them were on way to home and I got a photo of Movic with Cita, a member of the Pet Lovers Community (beautiful woman), and I was immediately shocked that Movic was seen smiling happily in Cita's hand. I am so jealous of Movic because i can be close to the beautiful Cita even i did not have time to take photos with Cita this is the first time i'm envy to civet. lol ๐Ÿคฃ

Bonus Photo's of Movic

There are interesting moment guys when i wrote this article, because i've been invited Movic to my room and accompany me while wrote article to publish, i let him on my bed and playing, but unexpected he bothered me in writing the article by riding my notebook on the keyboard, so i cant write anything, even i dropped it off from there but he instantly ran up my keryboard again, i don't have idea, so i let him to take the place till he fell asleep on the keryboard, then i moved it back to his cage. A very joyous day spent with my beloved pet, I Love You Movic and I hope Movic can grow up well and always accompany me, no matter what happens i will always take care my cute baby civet ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿค—


Well, maybe i must to stop writing on this because i feel touched to write how i'm so thankfully having Movic and Sasha (My Kitten) as my beloved pets, so that is Movic Weekend Activity guys, i hope you can enjoy Movic story, thankyou for your time to visit this article and don't forget if you like this article you can upvote,rehive/reblog guys ๐Ÿ˜Š
See you in the next Movic Story Hive Pets Community :)


Who am I?

I'm Romi and i'm Crypto Enthusiast, that interesting with Blockchain Ecosystem, i love to be content creator in blockchain social media, sharing my perspective and experience based on my knowledge and hobbies. I Hope that i can develop my knowledge day by day especialy about Cryptocurrencies and making new friends that i can called as my families :)

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