DIY Scratchbox for my Foster Kittens


Last year, I took home 4 tiny cute little kittens when I went to buy pandesal for breakfast one day. So far, 2 of them has been adopted. One of them, I'm keeping because he was the one who found me that day. The last one, well, she stole my daughter's heart so I guess we're also keeping her.

I found out that cats do indeed love boxes. They like to jump in every box - big or small- that I bring home. It came to a point where there's boxes all over the house, it no longer looked like a house, it looked like we live in a bodega.


Since we got all these boxes, I decided that before I ultimately throw them all out, I made scratchbox for the little ones. I'm sure they'll love it. It'll also save my couch from getting ravaged. I bought a cat condo which has built in scratch posts but, like toddlers, they like the box that it came with more than the cat condo itself. They would rather sleep on a mat or a broken down box than their beautiful massive cat condo.

Let me show you how I made this DIY can scratchbox. It's really simple and easy actually. First, you get the approval of the boss mimings before you start cutting theur beloved boxes. Here, they are contemplating the pros and cons of my plan. You have to make sure everything is explained plainly and clearly to them.


Then, like any other projects, measure twice cut once. I measured around 2 inches by 12 inches rectangles. Cut as many as you can. These rectangles would fill the base. If you need any help, let the little ones do the work every once in a while. They love it when they feel they are helpful.

You have to get used to the fact that once you have cats, you can never have peace at work. They like to supervise and micromanage. Of course they love napping on the job. You can't complain though. Remember, they are the boss of you.

Once you've cut the rectangles, just glue gun it on the base that you made. It can be bigger or smaller, depending on the size of the ones that will use it. I decided to just follow the size of their favorite box. Be careful with the glue gun, these little bosses are really curious about anything, so watch the hot glue gun closely.

Once you've glued all the rectangles, you're good to go. Since they "worked" with me on this project, they just ignored the finished product at first. But a little cat nip would do the trick. Now, even the bigger cats in the house also love this scratch box. The little ones are slowly growing bigget but theycstill love their little scratchbox. It causes some fights because they don't want to share anymore. But they look so lovely when they sleep together in it.

I'm thinking of just giving away or throwing away the cat condo I bought 2 years ago. It's just collecting dust. Sure they use it every once in a while but that's just really rare. In the future, if you are planning on adopting kittens, don't bother with expensive toys or cat condo. Cats seem to be contented with anything - grocery bags, boxes, a crumpled sheet of paper, or literally anything inside the house. Just make some DIY scratch boxes and you're good to go.


Copy of Nanay Romeski (4 x 1.5 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (2 x 1 in) (3 x 1 in) (4 x 3 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (3 x 1.5 in).png

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