Friendship with cute turtles

friends how are you all I hope everyone is well
Today I will share the story of making friends with the tortoise.The colors of this beautiful tortoise look like army clothes. The colors of this beautiful skin are light green and white.
20210217_205821.jpgSuch a beautiful and small tortoise that anyone will fall in love with laterI have seen it in the zoo, I have never seen it so close from a distance, I have touched the tortoises with my own hands, I like it very much, I can't believe it, these tortoises live in a pond next to my house, I heard it from my mother-in-law,I like it a lot, I wanted to decorate the house
20210217_205914.jpgWhen I see the tortoise. I was scared to see. But for a long time I was afraid of him. Isn't the tortoise scared anymore? I'm thinking in my mind and I think my friend thinks the tortoise won't do any harm.

20210217_205856.jpgThen he spends a lot of time with the tortoise. I like it very much. Then I left the tortoise in the tank at night. After leaving, I saw the tortoise a few more times but I am not afraid. I think the tortoise is a really cute friend.
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