Our life with Baloo

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If someone were to ask me what our life with Baloo has been like, I would answer without hesitation: It has been fantastic!

Baloo is an affectionate, loving and grateful baby. He usually wiggles in front of me when he is hungry and after eating and licking himself, he comes and gives me affection, lying at my feet.

In the mornings, he wakes up and starts meowing for me to get up and give him his food. Then he goes to sleep until the afternoon, when he decides to go for a walk.

The origin or reason for its name?

His name is Baloo. That name was chosen by my son, because according to him, the kitten looks like Baloo, the bear from the Jungle Book 馃槓馃檮馃し.

The truth is that we didn't know his name and it took him a little more than two days to get used to us calling him that.

Baloo is 1 and 6 months old. He arrived home in January 2020. But I'll tell you more about that later.

The funniest thing that ever happened to me with Baloo?

Baloo is an extremely calm kitten. But if there's one thing he loved to do when he was little, it was to play with a cardboard box. He would crawl in one end and out the other, while dragging the box.

Another thing he loves to do is play with a stick. We usually put a stick in front of him to try to catch it and he jumps and plays with the stick.

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Baloo's favorite food

This is difficult, because he loves fish (raw sardine), chicken guts, heart and liver; he also likes to eat all of that raw.

He is also fascinated by his food. His favorite is Country Value catatine and it is very good, because it has all the nutrients he needs to be well fed.

He is also fascinated by his seeds. His favorite is Country Value and it is very good, because it has all the nutrients he needs to be well fed.

Sometimes the sardines, I cook them by grating a carrot and pumpkin, with chopped rice and water. Without any kind of seasoning, because that is highly harmful for the kittens. It's like a stew and I add their seeds to it. Baloo shows me that he loved it, leaving his bowl clean.

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Why we decided to adopt Baloo

During the early days of January 2020, I was writing a post, when I heard the startled meow of a cat, in the garage of my house and a car speeding away.

I decided to walk over to see what was going on and saw him hiding between a window and the fence. He looked very scared. He was meowing non-stop.

I took him in my arms and tried to calm his fear. He was trembling.

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I couldn't see the car driving away, but I'm sure the kitten was abandoned and mercilessly thrown into my garage.

If someone had abandoned him, my son and I would adopt him. And so we did. We took him to the vet to find out how he was doing. The kitten was healthy.

The vet said that he was about 4 months old and that it was advisable that after his first 6 months, he should be sterilized, to avoid future complications (such as prostate cancer, bladder, among others). So we did it.

Today, more than a year later, Baloo is still and will continue to be part of our family. He will continue to be loved forever.

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Let's make the world a better place, let's give a home to an adorable little pet in need.

They will always be grateful and happy to belong to a home and you will never be alone, because if there is something pets have, it is love and loyalty to their human family.


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