Farewell, Furry Friend: Sharing Stories of Love and Loss

“Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love, they depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs your heart is very big.”
— Erica Jong


Annyeonghaseyo chingu (Hello friends) Maya is here again, and I hope you're doing well today.

As what you can see on the quotes about, this is related to my blog today. So, for today's blog,I will write a blog for My three doggy. Let's get started!

Before I start this blog, who have a dog here? So, me as a Dog Lover I was so pleasure to have them in my life. It is because my parents is a dog lover too. In my family, we have 4 dogs: Puppy the old one, Miguel, Analyn and Ruby but, today I will focus with Miguel, Analyn and Ruby.




First is Miguel, he is one of my favorites, he is so adorable and sweet, I love to touch his head because he loves it, he is sleepyhead dog. Sometimes he get into trouble in other dogs of my neighborhoods, and when he came home he is scared because he knows that he will be scolded.




Second is Analyn, she is one of the puppy that my father bring it home because my father was so pity on the situation of this puppy. She is a shy dog and scared one, I think she have a trauma because sometimes she was afraid with other people.




Lastly is Ruby, she is the smallest one of those three dogs, she is so stubborn and cute. I love her, and I like how small she is. Tiny but cutie one.



Analyn died last year August 15,2023, she got poisoned by someone and that's the worst feeling of being a dog lover. Look how sad Ruby are, look at here eyes, it tells how much sadness she felt. Last month, February Miguel got sick and his tongue get bigger, after that day he didn't came back again that make us worried. It's been 3 weeks that he didn't came back. But this past few days, my lovely dogs was passed away, I think because of being lonely she do suicide. Yes, you read it right, my little Ruby did a suicide, I don't want to write here why or how but yeah, it's really hurt.😞💔 I can't hide what I really feel, that's why I choose to write it here to give honor and inspiration to other dog owner. So, I wrote a letter for them to express what I feel.

Dear Miguel, Analyn and Ruby,

As I sit in the balcony, the tears falling into my eyes with a heavy heart, I find myself missing you more than words can express. The three of you brought so much joy, laughter, and love into our lives, your absence leaves a void that can never be filled.

From the moment you entered our home, you became an irreplaceable member of our family. Your loyalty, warmth, and unwavering companionship were a constant source of comfort and happiness. Whether it was your playful antics, your comforting presence during difficult times, or simply your wagging tail and gentle gaze, you had a way of making every moment brighter.

Though you may no longer be by our side, your spirit will forever live on in our hearts. The memories we shared together will be cherished and treasured always, serving as a reminder of the special bond we were fortunate enough to share.

As we say goodbye for now, know that you were deeply loved and will be missed. Thank you for being such a loyal and loving friend. Rest peacefully, dear Miguel, Analyn and Ruby.

With all my love,


You've already reached the end of my blog, thank you for reading.🥺🫶🏻

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