Inky.......just more than a pet

I'm pleasured to be here my fellow hivians, to be amongst those who cherish the animal family keeping them as close companions, friends and fun mates

I'll love to introduce you to a dog specie I've fallen in love with over the time. It's actually a neighbor's dog and I've come to find out that most of my free moments are being spent with my addiction and it's owners.

I'm excited to introduce to y'all INKY

Let's find out Inky's personality


Although Inky isn't human, she's got an outstanding personality.....yep, it's a she. I know y'all might be wondering how really outstanding Inky's personality seems to be, I bet you'll all love her


  • Inky is super friendly: Although Inky is very conscious of her environment especially at the sight of strangers around, she's also very calm and friendly with people she's familiar with. This means that she's an extrovert just as I am and that makes us a perfect match, she's socially able.

  • Inky is obedient and loyal: Could you believe that even after being friends with Inky and the family for about 8 months now, Inky finds it very difficult to take any meal or bone, although it does sadden my heart but yep, it proofs that Inky is obedient to her master's. Inky is never distracted and she deserves the trust.

  • Inky is security conscious: In the early hours of the morning on my way to get some groceries, it is very unusual to pass by the gate without meeting Inky hovering around the entrance, at the hearing of any approaching footsteps, Inky barks like her life depends on it to alert her master's, I usually applaud her for that.

  • Inky is always playful and jovial: Inky is an amazing playmate for the children. Inky really loves the "hide and seek" game and loves hiding in corners only to scare those who try to find her later, Inky races with the children at long distances and helps in exercise


Inky is amazing, isn't she? And she's been well taken care of by her owners, can't you see her fur, how sparkling they look like.

  • Inky eats balanced diet with lots of bones and meat twice a day
  • She showers thrice every week using lice disinfectants and Dettol
  • Inky takes multivitamins and syrups prescribed by her veterinary doctor
  • Inky's cottage is thoroughly washed every month
  • Her food pack is usually washed daily before the day's meal is refilled

IMG_20230120_173725_567.jpga beautiful feeling with Inky around

Pets are gifts from nature, they make our life more fun and enjoyable, although our fellow humans are awesome companion, I bet animals as pet play a great role in our lives and Inky is just one of them, I giggle whenever I'm around her.

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