A Possible Love Affair?

"Hello sweetie" the big one said; "My name is Tiger and by what wonderful name would you call yourself"?

Just some lighthearted stuff here as we are now halfway through the week and a tough week it was thus far.
But like always we will all survive and some smiles can always help.

"Oh", the small guy said; "My name is Lofty and I am a professional ball biter"

"Gosh" Tiger said; "I have to go as I think my phone is ringing in my car"

On his way Tiger took a drink to clear his dry throat.

He stood looking at me and he shook his head; "Phew!" he said; "That was close, as I could have lost my crown jewels there".

Now don't go as here is another quick story!

This little guy ran up to us (all dogs like us) and he decided to practice his archeology skills by inspecting this rock.

Ah, he found no gold in the rock and decided to put his signature on the rock so that his archeology lecturer could see that he inspected it.

Then the cheeky little bugger turned and pulled his tongue at us!

Like I said, just some lighthearted fun here and that's how I always solve my problems. I seriously laugh at them, as I know that problems in life will always arrive to test me.
My secret is that whenever a difficult issue puts its hand up, I simply then start to look for opportunities in it.
Fear and its cousin insecurity will never beat the brothers called hope and boldness!

And That's All Friends!

Note: All photos are my own and taken with a Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

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