Un Mal Romance Perruno (Spa-Eng)

饾櫛饾殜饾殟 饾殎饾殬饾殩饾殜饾殫饾殞饾殠 馃挃

This post is in Spanish and English. You can go to the post in English by clicking HERE

聽 Saludos amantes de los animals en #HivePets. El d铆a de hoy les traigo novedades y noticias sobre mi recien adoptada perrita llamada Pegui-Pegui.

聽 Esta se帽orita donde la ven, ya dej贸 de ser virgen. Anoche ocurri贸 lo que tanto tem铆a que pasara: que Drako montara a la Pegui-Pegui. Tranquilos que tengo muchos detalles que contarle al respecto.

聽 Admito que he perdido pr谩ctica y olvid茅 lo que es tener una perrita con celo en la casa. Anoche luego de lo sucedido (y sobre todo que dicha situaci贸n ocurri贸 en un abrir y cerrar de ojos), es decir todo pas贸 muy r谩pido, fue que me vi en la obligaci贸n de investigar sobre las etapas del celo de una perrita, su comportamiento y sobre todo si est谩 o no embarazada.

聽 Gracias a la herramienta del internet se tiene al alcance informaci贸n b谩sica sobre estos temas que le sirven de ayuda a muchos de sus due帽os. Ver谩n, mi antigua perrita Didi (que en paz descanse) nunca la esterilizamos porque su hermanito nunca supo c贸mo montarla, por lo que reglaba y le sacaba cuadro por unos cuantos d铆as y nada nunca pas贸 m谩s de eso, es decir, nunca hubo parto ni embarazo con mis Poodle.

聽 Pero con Pegui, la cosa es diferente, ella cuando lleg贸 estaba en su inicio del ciclo de su ovulaci贸n, es decir, fue su primer desarrollo ya que tiene menos de un a帽o de edad. Ese moquillo que ven铆a votando por su vulva no se deb铆a a una infecci贸n sino a la primera etapa del celo de ella.

El Culpable

聽 Esto lo supe por lo que investigu茅 anoche. Y es que despu茅s de ese moquillo, Pegui empez贸 con su sangrado. Gracias a Dios no manch贸 los muebles, pero all铆 supe que estaba en su ciclo de celo, es decir, eso me lo confirm贸. Y no es que hab铆a olvidado del todo c贸mo era esto, s茅 que este periodo les ocurre cada 6 meses o dos veces al a帽o, tambi茅n que dura un m谩ximo de 23 d铆as todo.

聽 Pero el detalle que no recordaba es que ese cl铆max vendr铆a despu茅s del sangrado. Es decir, la etapa cumbre donde la perrita quiere que la monten y le da permiso al perrito para que haga lo suyo. De acuerdo a lo que investigu茅 anoche en la p谩gina web de Purina, a la cual pueden entrar dando Clic AQUI para informarse mejor sobre este tema con sus perritos, de ellos obtuve lo siguiente:

聽 La perrita, de acuerdo a su etapa de celo, cuando est谩 de acuerdo con el macho que la monte, ella le mueve la cola a un lado y el macho antes de esto la "monta mal" a prop贸sito (tenga o no experiencia) con el fin de alcanzar el punto de luz verde por parte de la perrita para que se deje fecundar.

聽 Yo la verdad, me confi茅 porque Drako es virgen, nunca se hab铆a apareado con una perrita antes y como not茅 que la estaba montando mal, me dije "qu茅 va, este no sabe lo que hace" pero me jugaron carrito los dos porque sab铆an muy bien lo que estaban haciendo y ambos son culpables.

聽 As铆 que anoche, cuando pens茅 que segu铆an "jugando" se llegaron a aparear de manera concreta formando el famoso Abotonamiento Canino, que es cuando dos perritos se pegan literalmente y por nada del mundo hay que separarlos ya que puede ocurrir un desgarro y da帽ar al animalito por forzar separarlos.

聽 Este proceso dura entre 15 minutos y 20. Mi cara de preocupaci贸n al verlos as铆 lo dec铆a todo, mi madre se mostr贸 muy consternada y pues b谩sicamente me ech贸 la culpa de que eso pasara. Yo estaba consciente de que podr铆a ocurrir. Pero me hizo sentir muy mal porque he sido responsable con mis tres perritos desde que llegaron a la casa y a todos les he dado mucho amor y cuidado por igual.

Yara sin saber qu茅 sucede realmente

聽 Luego de lo ocurrido, Pegui qued贸 sangrando por varios minutos y con mucho dolor abdominal. Pasadas un par de horas dej贸 de sangrar y para ayudarla a que se sintiera mejor f铆sicamente le di un nimesulide. Gracias a esto pas贸 mejor noche.

聽 Por ahora, tanto ella como Drako est谩n y seguir谩n separados hasta que culmine la etapa del celo completamente. Si Pegui qued贸 embarazada con esta 煤nica monta, ya tengo un plan B para regalar perritos y bueno, b谩sicamente por esto era que quer铆a esterilizar a mi perrita con tiempo, pero no lo pude lograr, as铆 que me queda esperar.

Drako sin saber si ser谩 pap谩

聽 De aqu铆 a 3 meses sabr茅 si est谩 o no embarazada y conforme pasen los d铆as sabr茅 si tiene alg煤n s铆ntoma de perritos beb茅s. De cualquier modo, tanto ella como Drako cuentan con mi apoyo y si me hacen abuela, ser谩 una experiencia linda para compartir con ellos.

聽 En pr贸ximos posts les estar茅 informando al respecto. Ahora, d茅jenme saber en los comentarios si han estado en una situaci贸n similar a la m铆a, si conoc铆an todas las etapas del ciclo de celo de un perrito, incluyendo sus nombres y duraci贸n o 驴estaban ca铆dos de la mata como yo? 隆Nos leemos! 馃挄

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Cada Foto Usada en el Post me PerteneceC谩mara del Redmi Note 9A
Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autor铆a Traductor DeepL
--- Grammarly Extensi贸n para correcciones en ingl茅s
--- Microsoft 365 Word en L铆nea para correcciones en espa帽ol

饾櫦饾殥饾殰 饾殎饾殠饾殟饾殠饾殰 饾殏饾殬饾殞饾殥饾殜饾殨饾殠饾殰


聽 Greetings animal lovers at #HivePets. Today I bring you news and updates about my newly adopted dog called Pegui-Pegui.

聽 This young lady, wherever you see her, is no longer a virgin. Last night what I was so afraid would happen: Drako mounted Pegui-Pegui. Don't worry, I have a lot of details to tell you about it.

聽 I admit that I have been out of practice and have forgotten what it is like to have a dog in heat in the house. Last night after what happened (and above all that the situation occurred in the blink of an eye), that is to say, everything happened very quickly, I was forced to investigate the stages of the heat in a dog, her behavior, and above all whether she is pregnant or not.

聽 Thanks to the internet, basic information on these issues is available to help many owners. You see, my old dog Didi (may she rest in peace) was never spayed because her little brother never knew how to mount her, so she would regulate and take her picture for a few days and nothing more than that ever happened, that is to say, there was never any birth or pregnancy with my Poodle.

聽 But with Pegui, things are different, when she arrived she was at the beginning of her ovulation cycle, that is to say, it was her first development as she is less than a year old. That distemper voting for her vulva was not due to an infection but to the first stage of her heat.

The Guilty

聽 I found this out from what I researched last night. And that is that after that distemper, Pegui started bleeding. Thank God she didn't stain the furniture, but that's when I knew she was in her heat cycle, I mean, that confirmed it for me. And it's not that I had completely forgotten what this was like, I know that this period happens every 6 months or twice a year and that it lasts a maximum of 23 days everything.

聽 But the detail I didn't remember was that the climax would come after the bleeding. That is the climax stage where the bitch wants to be mounted and permits the doggy to do his thing. According to what I researched last night on the Purina website, which you can access by clicking HERE to find out more about this issue with your puppies, I got the following from them:

聽 The bitch, according to her stage of heat, when she agrees with the male to mount her, she wags her tail to one side and the male before this "rides her wrong" on purpose (whether he is experienced or not) to reach the green light point on the part of the bitch so that she will allow herself to be impregnated.

聽 The truth is, I trusted him because Drako is a virgin, he had never mated with a dog before and as I noticed that he was riding her badly, I said to myself "No way, he doesn't know what he's doing" but they both played a trick on me because they knew very well what they were doing and they are both guilty.

聽 So last night, when I thought they were still "playing" they came to mate concretely, forming the famous Canine Bonding, which is when two dogs stick together and for nothing in the world should they be separated as a tear can occur and damage the animal by forcing them apart.

聽 This process takes between 15 and 20 minutes. My worried face when I saw them like that said it all, my mother was very dismayed and blamed me for this happening. I was aware that it could happen. But it made me feel very bad because I have been responsible with my three dogs since they came into the house and I have given them all a lot of love and care equally.

Yara not knowing what's going on

聽 After what happened, Pegui was bleeding for several minutes and in a lot of abdominal pain. After a couple of hours she stopped bleeding and to help her feel better physically I gave her a nimesulide. Thanks to this she had a better night.

聽 For now, both she and Drako are and will remain separated until the heat stage is completely over. If Pegui got pregnant with this one mating, I already have a plan B to give away puppies and well, this is basically why I wanted to spay my dog early, but I couldn't do it, so I have to wait.

Drako not sure if he will be a father

聽 Three months from now I will know if she is pregnant or not and as the days go by I will know if she has any symptoms of baby dogs. Either way, both she and Drako have my support and if they make me a grandmother, it will be a nice experience to share with them.

聽 I will be updating you on this in future posts. Now, let me know in the comments if you've been in a similar situation to mine, if you knew all the stages of a puppy's heat cycle, including their names and duration, or if were you just a little bit lost like me. See you in the comments! 馃挄

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Each Photo Used in the Post Belongs to Me DeepL Translator
Content and Original Text of my AuthorshipCANVA
--- Grammarly Extension for English corrections
--- Microsoft 365 Word Online for Spanish corrections

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