[Esp-Eng] Me llamo Karincoco / My name is Karincoco


Saludos querida comunidad #hivepet, es un placer de verdad poder compartir con ustedes mi historia

Hola soy Karin Coco voy a cumplir 3 años de vida, soy raza poodle mediano tengo el pelo rizado de color blanco con manchas color beige claro en mis orejas, tengo ojitos negros tiernos.

Llegue a esta casa de 1 año de edad, mi nombre original es Coco; pero cuando llegue a esta casa me llamaron con amor Karinpor lo que gusto mucho y prestaba tambien atencion con ese nombre, hasta que mi amada dueña vio que mi otro nombre tambien me gustaba mucho y decidio combinarlo y ahora me llamo "Karin Coco Campos Inaga".

Mi mama canina llora al saber que fui descuidado y quizas maltratado por la condicion en como llegue a sus brazos.

Pero cada vez que la veo con ojos tristes me acerco a ella y le agradezco todo el amor que me ha dado en estos años que tengo con ella.

Saben fuy una sorpresa para ella, no se lo esperaba, le decían que tenian un reglo muy bonito que cambiaria su vida, yo en realidad estaba ansioso.

Ella preguntaba mucho que era, por lo que no le respondian nada; solo le decian que era blanco como las nubes y esponjoso como una almohada, pero ella ni se lo imaginaba.

Yo escuche que ella estuvo de duelo canino por un tiempo, que su corazon no queria saber mas nada de nosotros los perritos, porque estaba su corazón roto en pedazos.

Ella no queria mas animales en su casa, porque no queria volver a pasar por una perdida.

Cuando me vio inmediatamente pude sentir su amor incondicional, percibia que un corazon se reparaba, cada vez que movia mi colita, me abrazo tan fuerte que olvide muchas cosas que me había hecho daño y entre los dos nos consolabamos.

Tengo un excelente amigo que es el jefe de la casa , cuando el me llama se que es para jugar conmigo, darme muchos besos y despues de acariciarme me dice buen perrito eres una ternura, eso me complace mucho.

Ellos tienes tres niñas que a veces me vuelven loco, les explico la primera niña me baña con masajes suaves, palabras dulces y le gusta peinarme.

La segunda niña me carga mucho, cree que soy un muñeco de peluche; que mientras ella esta en la computadora me tiene entre sus piernas acariciandome las orejas y revisandome.

La tercera niña le tengo que gruñir de vez en cuando aunque se que me ama, pero cuando juega conmigo me viste, me coloca colitas; ella no entiende que a veces no quiero jugar y es alli cuando mi amada dueña intercede, actualmente tengo un compañerito Pinches enano que es muy jugueton, pero me hace sentir acompañado y yo lo cuido tambien.

Ahora si me siento en el dulce hogar, disfrutando los paseos en familia, las mimadas de amor, los buenos amigos caninos que he conocido y mi amor platonico eterno Coni.

Soy Karincoco fui regalado, rescatados y adoptado, con una nueva oportunidad de vivir entre personas que me dan amor incondicional y me hacen parte de lo que es una familia, disfruto jugar con la pelota, amo las galletas de vainilla, cuando me dan mango me vuelvo loco del sabor, pero cuando se que estan comiendo coco pongo mis ojos de ternura para sacar un bocadito.

Gracias por visitar

Todas las fotos son de mi autoria y algunas publicadas en el Facebook.


Greetings dear #hivepet community, it is a real pleasure to share with you my story.

Hi I'm Karin Coco I'm going to be 3 years old, I'm a mesian poodle breed, I have white curly hair with light beige spots on my ears, I have tender black eyes.

I arrived to this house when I was 1 year old, my original name is Coco; but when I arrived to this house they called me with love Karin so I liked very much and I also paid attention with that name, until my beloved owner saw that my other name I also liked very much and she decided to combine it and now I am called "Karin Coco Coco Campos Inaga".

My canine mom cries to know that I was neglected and perhaps mistreated by the condition in which I came to her arms.

But every time I see her with sad eyes I go to her and thank her for all the love she has given me in these years that I have with her.

You know I was a surprise for her, she did not expect it, they told her that they had a very nice gift that would change her life, I was really anxious.

She asked a lot what it was, so they didn't answer her anything; they just told her it was white as clouds and fluffy as a pillow, but she couldn't even imagine it.

I heard that she was in canine mourning for a while, that her heart didn't want to know anything more about us dogs, because her heart was broken in pieces.

She didn't want any more animals in her home, because she didn't want to go through a loss again.

When she saw me immediately I could feel her unconditional love, I could feel a heart mending, every time I wagged my tail, she hugged me so tightly that I forgot many things that had hurt me and between the two of us we consoled each other.

I have an excellent friend who is the head of the house, when he calls me I know it is to play with me, give me lots of kisses and after caressing me he tells me good doggy you are a tenderness, that pleases me a lot.

They have three girls that sometimes drive me crazy, I explain the first girl bathes me with soft massages, sweet words and likes to comb my hair.

The second girl carries me a lot, she thinks I am a stuffed doll; that while she is at the computer she has me between her legs caressing my ears and checking me out.

The third girl I have to growl at her from time to time even though I know she loves me, but when she plays with me she dresses me, puts little tails on me; she doesn't understand that sometimes I don't want to play and that's when my beloved owner intercedes, currently I have a little dwarf Pinches companion who is very playful, but he makes me feel accompanied and I take care of him too.

Now I feel at home sweet home, enjoying the family walks, the pampering of love, the good canine friends I have met and my eternal platonic love Coni.

I am Karincoco I was given away, rescued and adopted, with a new opportunity to live among people who give me unconditional love and make me part of what is a family, I enjoy playing with the ball, I love vanilla cookies, when they give me mango I go crazy with the taste, but when I know they are eating coconut I put my eyes of tenderness to take a bite.

Thanks for visiting

All photos are my own and some of them are published on Facebook.

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