Cat Spa, Furry in the Bath

Cats by default don't like water or better to say they don't like to have bath. Not my Furry. She is rather extraordinary cat in many ways. One of them is her affection of being washed and groomed. My other cat Blue is just the opposite. Although her curiosity brings her to the kitchen sink to watch me washing the plates or sneaking in the bathroom and peeking behind the curtain when someone is taking shower.

However, my post today is about Furry and her bath. I must say that I had couple of posts before showing photos of what I call cat spa. Today the photos are fresh from the last time Furry had her spa time.

It is spa time, Furry.

After the bathtub is filled with water and the bubbles from the shampoo are enough, we put Furry in.


First splash of water.

She is patient and she is not bothered at all when the water is poured on her back.
So, we keep on until her fur is wet.




Her thick fur soon will be soaking wet and it is time for good rub.



Furry is big cat, 6 kilos and a half. You can imagine when it is wet how much more she weighs.


It is so easy with her, she loves to stay still while we brush and comb her.



She may be wet, but she keeps her dignity.


Last shot is not the best, she managed to shake before we cover her with the towel.


Next comes the big drying which requires more people and I had to leave the cameta and grab the hairdryer. Unlike the calm cat in the water, she changed her mood when she is out. Still, she can be patient a bit longer while I am trying quickly to dry her. After that she will run and find a spot to finish the grooming by herself.

I can't help myself but to tag @papilloncharity, because he has this lovely and adorable dog Troy who also have bath. ☺ I found some similarities between Troy and Furry, but you have to find yourself and check his post.


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