
Hi Everyone!!! This is my first blog with Lira Dog😉. I hope you all like it. 😘
BTW she is already 1 and 8 months and counting. Lira is a shih tzu, right now lira is having her menstruation. He loves to eat fried chicken, he loves to bark when the cat is in front of our house, he loves also to sleep after lunch and he knows when it is already 4 pm because it is her play time outside. Lira doesn't like taking pictures of his face, he is also camera shy so every time I need to take a picture of her I need to be quick to take the picture. I love my dog because, A Person's Best Friend is a Dog There are thousands of animals of various shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are easily domesticated and friendly, whereas others are born wild and savage. Thousands of people all over the world keep various animals as pets. Cats, dogs, fish, turtles, and hamsters are common pets. A dog, on the other hand, is the best pet a person can have. Dogs make excellent pets because they are friendly, intelligent, and capable of protecting and detecting danger. Base on what i leard before Canis lupus familiaris is the scientific name for dogs, and "there are more than 150 dog breeds divided into eight classes: sporting, hound, working, terrier, toy, non-sporting, herding, and miscellaneous." Dogs range in size and can be adopted as young as eight years old.They are one of the friendliest animals any person or family can have, in my experience. My dog always greets me when I arrive home. When I'm sad, she notices and always tries to cheer me up by playing with me. My most recent dog is a female Chihuahua that I got when I was nine years old. She has never been violent towards my family or me; she is still the sweet little puppy I got when she was a puppy. When I get angry at her and get her in trouble for doing something wrong, she always lays down and rolls over for me to rub her stomach. She is especially suitable for small children because she can play with them without inadvertently injuring or falling them. My dog isn't the only friendly dog; whenever I visit a friend who has a dog, they initially bark because they don't know who I am, but after a while, they realize I'm a good person and come over to get my attention so we can play. Lastly can some teach me how to insert video here. Thank you. I hope you all like my first blog with my favorite dog Lira.

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