My little friend, Inu

Hello, I want to introduce to you my little hairy friend, Inu. His name is not so original, it means dog in Japanese. But I call him in different ways: Pino, pepino, Ino...


He has 9 years old. My brother brought him home when he was 3 months old, it was the first time I had a dog. We adopted him from a family that my brother knew. When he got home he had fleas and intestinal parasites, but we treat him. He was very active, playing for hours with us or with a black a cat we had.


He is very intelligent, I taught to give the leg, wait, sit, not much tricks but a pet is not a machine of tricks but a friend. He is very sweet too, calm and curious.

When he was little, I think 2 years old, he suffered an accident. My brother took him for a walk and in some part of the walk my brother release him. He, being curious, ran far and a stupid guy on a motorcycle hit him. My brother tried to help him but he was so scared that inu bit my brother.

We finally brought him back home and cured him. We thought he wasn't gonna make it, but he recovered very well. After a month he was as happy as always.

He has made my life very happy with his presence. Just to know he is around is enough for me to not feel alone, even when he barks as crazy to other dogs, or pees in the porch. There's nothing I would change about him.


More recently he got sick. We guessed it's because he is older. He didn't eat for several days. I stayed with him as much as possible, give him fluids and help him to walk. He was so weak. But now he is fine and I hope he stay with us for many years more.

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