Cat friendship + love for boxes 🐈💝🐈

My cats became friends little by little. At first the gray one (who was the first to live with me), was very upset for the arrival of the new cat (who is actually very sweet).


But with the time and years they’ve become great friends! They play and sleep together, cry for food together 😅 and very important: they share boxes! Or at least the same cardboard “castle”. Lol.


I love how their eyes look with the light, it’s so beautiful!.

She’s the older one.

They enjoyed a lot this boxes for a while, (they loved it).

Waiting for breakfast while taking a sunbath.

P.S. At this current moment they’re sleeping together in my bed. ♥️

By Fernanda Rojas @kitzune

Check my other recent posts about Pets!:

My cats, the loveliest company, and they’re are so photogenic! 😺

[ING-ESP] Street pets in Caracas City! - ¡Mascotas callejeras en la ciudad de Caracas!


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