Hello ¨Hive Pets¨ did you know that cats are curious and they love photo shoots

Welcome to this wonderful community ¨Hive PetsCommunity¨:  It is a great pleasure to be here again with you, people who love and respect animals; Having this community is fantastic, as it gives us the opportunity to share the stories of our pets

Source: Family Album

Unfortunately the story of ¨Raul¨ is that of many cats that are abandoned by their owners in the street; I still find it hard to believe that there are these types of people who discard animals as if they were garbage, luckily ¨Raul¨ had a happy ending, but many do not have it and end up sick or dead on the public highway; For those people who for whatever reason must get rid of an animal, do not throw them out on the public road, there are many other better alternatives than these; Please think twice before throwing an animal into the street

Source: Family Album

I couldn't miss this opportunity and leave this message to people who have no love for animals. Our ¨Raul¨ was abandoned by some neighbors who had to move, they took everything except his family pets (two cats and a dog) luckily for them they all found a home

Source: Family Album

When left on the street, ¨Raúl¨ became lonely and averse to people, during the day he hid among the weeds like an outlaw, and at night he roamed on the roofs of the neighbors' houses. Since he met my granddaughter Abigail they became inseparable, since then they did many photo shoots

Source: Family Album

¨Raúl¨ became a professional, I learn to dress and change clothes in each photography session

Source: Family Album

Being a model is something exhausting, after each session, take the opportunity to take a break

Source: Family Album

He is a very observant cat, always attentive to what is happening around him. The next time you are going to leave an abandoned animal on the street; Think of ¨Raul¨, there will always be a family willing to adopt him, do not decide by yourself the future of an animal

Source: Family Album


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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