Linda y sus breves momentos de cariño



Mi gatita Linda es definitivamente una gata malhumorada como su dueña 😆, ella solo acepta caricias de vez en cuando, pero cuando estamos solo ella y yo en la casa ella llega a mi cama y se sube arriba de mi exigiendo caricias , a veces me pide comida y yo siempre cedo aunque se que es por placer y no por verdadera hambre, porque después de darle ella solo come un poco y se va a otro lado 😄 es una gata caprichosa.

Pero no me puedo enojar con ella jamás, siempre en algún momento del día ella vuelve a mi y es la gatita más cariñosa aunque esto solo dure unos segundos 🤭 soy víctima de su manipulación y me encanta de todos modos, por algo se llama Linda.


Linda and her brief moments of affection

My kitten Linda is definitely a moody cat like her owner 😆, she only accepts petting from time to time, but when it's just her and I in the house she comes to my bed and climbs on top of me demanding petting, sometimes she asks me food and I always give in even though I know it's for pleasure and not true hunger, because after giving it she just eats a little and goes somewhere else 😄 she's a capricious cat.

But I can never get angry with her, she always comes back to me at some point during the day and she is the most affectionate kitten even if this only lasts a few seconds 🤭 I am a victim of her manipulation and I love her anyway, there's a reason her name is Linda.

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I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, you can also follow me and contact me on any of my social networks. Thank you!

Discord: irenenavarroart#0361

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