About Karelian Bear Dog Markings

I tell my Karelian Bear Dog, Kintla, daily:
"You are the most spoiled puppy in the world!"



She eyes me up and down like: “Whatever you say, Mom!” haha.
Seriously, I think every dog deserves to be spoiled and doted over.

Kintla stole my heart when I first brought her home—she was the biggest fluffball of the litter! She was the heaviest because she LOVED TO EAT (and still does!). She didn’t bare the traditional Karelian markings—a white stripe down the middle of her face—and that made me love her even more! My sweet, nontraditional-marked Karelian who was born special.

I can’t believe some people are so picky over markings on a puppy, but maybe it's a business I don’t entirely understand. To me, her features are perfect and reflect her contemplative personality—ominous and unshared. Her front legs are freckled with a spore of black dots, and her face is entirely black except for a white speckle on her nose.



Kintla ran the litter—dominant and always first in line to fill her belly at the puppy feeding trough. And first to venture over the puppy enclosure and enjoy a bit of the new world. Daily, I am experiencing the world through her eyes, and that makes me realize the miracle of sharing our lives with dogs. Witnessing Kintla bound through forest meadows with a smile on her face fills my heart with a joy I can only experience through Kintla.

Until now, I never realized the magnificence of dogs and the delight they bring to your life. I had HEARD, but I didn’t believe it. As I now reflect back on my time with Kintla, I realize that this past year I have experienced not only more happiness, but also a unique kind of happiness through Kintla.

I can’t believe all these years I was resistant to the idea of a dog, and now I can’t imagine life without one! It's remarkable that like us, dogs have their good and bad days. Some days Kintla wakes up with her tail waggin’ and ready to go; other days, she isn’t so thrilled to start the day. This is completely relatable, and I help her through those days like she helps me through mine. Training her has also expanded my capacity for patience to a degree I never expected. My life is now shared with a mystical, unique being who enlightens me with her different views of the world and of myself. For that, I am grateful!
All photos in this post are the property of GubbaTV
I write more on my blog at GubbaTV Pets

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