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Meet Sky - the kittie with the blue eyes 💙


Hello everyone and cheers to the little pets that fulfill our lives more than we realize!
Hope you are all well and have a sunny and chill weekend! 💙

While I've been waiting many years to be able to write this post, and a lot more years to have my own pet and paw friend, now I can finally say that this became real and I'm a pet cat owner too!

This post is actually a good reminder that no matter how many plans we make and how confident we are about the schedule we set up, there are always things that can pop up which will completely change the course of things, but also of our lives.


He's name is Sky, and from what I understood he's somewhere around 1 month old so still a lot of time needed to taste the life and enjoy it to the fullest, but last Sunday, he found a new family which is ready to dedicate entirely their time so he won't feel like something is ever missing - I and my boyfriend.

In case you don't know yet where the name comes from, it's from his blue eyes but also from the sky he looked both during the day and night until he found a family.

It was actually one of those late Sunday mornings when my boyfriend decided to go to the neighborhood store to get something sweet to eat next to our coffees, which is also the place where he first met Sky. Sky was crying and literally begging him for help. It was weird because there were a lot of other people entering and getting out of the store but he only asked for help from my boyfriend. He instantly sent me a message with a picture of Sky, asking what he should do because both he and I live in rented flats and it's not allowed to have pets due to the obvious reasons that they could damage the furniture and other stuff.

So while I quickly asked my sister if we should take Sky or not because we spend a lot more time at home than my boyfriend does, she instantly replied that this is not going to happen, so we waited no more and decided to take Sky at my boyfriend place initially with the thought of feeding him and then posting some announcements on the groups in search for a better owner that could take care of him further.


My boyfriend was the first one to fall in love with Sky especially since he previously was a cat owner and he always dreamed of having a fully black male cat with blue eyes, which is exactly what Sky looks like.
I actually previously had a black cat too, which was also just a few weeks old but he was very sick and I was pressed by both time and my parents who were against that little cat so I made the stupid mistake of leaving the kittie on a family that didn't give a damn on taking care of him and heal him as I used to, nor giving him the treatment I purchased to help him with his disease, so... he ended up dying just 3 days away since I left him there. That was the moment when I decided that I won't ever get a pet anymore unless I'm on my own or surrounded with people that are ready to share the same amount of love I will offer too.

So, the black little kittie that I had in the past + my boyfriend's dream of owning a black cat with blue eyes = another chance the life offered to us in order to make our lives calmer and more fulfilled. Don't you think the same?


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Anyway, after Sky met both of us and conquered our hearts forever, we realized that even if we've already sent a few messages asking our friends if they would be interested in taking care of Sky further, we no longer want to give him to someone else because there is a saying that cats pick their owners and not owners pick their cats so we decided that we are going to be the parents for him since he already made his pick.

And just like one decision can't come alone, right after this verdict we went to the closest pet shop in search for anything that Sky could use in the following months until he grows up and needs some bigger stuff.

We got a medium cat litter box with silicate instead of sand because from what we've heard and read on the internet, silicate is the best pick in terms of avoiding the unpleasant smell. Along with these, we got some toys, a blanket, plenty of food for kittens and a bed that turned out as the most useless acquisition since Sky prefers to sleep between us or in our bed instead of his.



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Another thing that we bought was the tiny collar that has a bell on it which didn't happen with the intention of matching him with my bike, lol, but actually to see him in the dark and know where he is because being so small and black, you can hardly notice him.

Anyway, we quickly figured out that even on the smallest size the collar is yet too big for him so it will take a little bit longer until he can properly wear it. Either way, I think both us and Sky feel that necklace as the secret item from a possible outfit that he gets to wear whenever we go to the vet or meet someone new because it gives him a different look and it's way too adorable to resist to.


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Talking about the vet, we couldn't postpone this moment too much, so on the first working day we went to the closest veterinary clinic where we met a very cute lady that is actually close to my age and who loves animals a lot. She quickly fell in love with Sky too but also took care of him, making a routine check and giving him the first internal deworming, the next one coming in a week and the 3rd one in 3 weeks.

The purse from the first picture is the one that served as a carry bag until the order we placed online arrives and we will properly own a carry bag, but it was also a great way to gather some attention and melt the hearts of those who noticed him and stopped to talk by and caress him.

Also, taking all these pictures was a big struggle since Sky is a very energic kitty and most of the pictures end up like the one from the top, but as much energy he has, as much happiness brings to our hearts that got to share a specific love we haven't felt so deep before. Or at least this is what I feel and what makes me confident that this little guy will never feel the miss of anything as long as it's with us.




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Talking about being such an energic little being, I bet some of you know this feeling if you had kitties of an early age, so we can easily say that in the first few nights, we barely got 2-3 hours per night. Now it's a bit better talking about 5-6 hours of sleep, but there are still a lot of breaks during Sky's sleep to go to the litter box which even though he already learned how to use, he still doesn't know how to cover the poop and sometimes it gets dirty and needs to be cleaned before going back in bed.
I also need to offer him some extra care and cleaning conditions which vet taught me how to do because having his belly full of small intestinal parasites (which are totally normal on his age), he also has a little inflammation on his anus which has to be cleaned by us until he learns to do it. The vet told us that in a normal life, his mother should be the one cleaning him this way and teaching him to do a lot of things that he's learning on his own now, but most likely he was abandoned way too early and that's why it takes a bit to figure out how everything works.

Thus, we, our friends, the vet, and the few people we met on the street are not the single hearts Sky conquered but also my boyfriend's co-workers who even if they only saw him in pictures, they are already loving him and there was actually a lady who donated us a small playground for Sky that he can use until he grows up and we will purchase a bigger one.


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So, along with all the fatigue gathered in the past few days and all the cancelled plans and things that had to be postponed until he will be independent enough to be left home alone, I can proudly say that I am very happy that we managed to save him especially that there are some sheepfolds nearby and his life could be put on risk.

There is no doubt he's on good hands and even if he can't read messages or understand our language, I wish he would know just this:

"- Dear Sky, you have no idea how loved you are, and I promise that you will never ever taste other feelings than the deepest love you'll ever receive. We love you and you made our lives more fulfilled than ever! 💙"



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