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馃悈馃悕 馃悑[ESP | ENG] Iniciativa: 隆Las mascotas ex贸ticas que quisiera tener! - Initiative: The exotic pets I wish I had!


Saludos a los amantes de los animales. Gustosa de participar en esta interesante iniciativa de @ilazramusic: Mascotas Ex贸ticas que quisiera tener.

Greetings to animal lovers. Glad to participate in this interesting initiative of @ilazramusic: Exotic Pets I would like to have.

El erizo

      Es un animal nocturno que se la pasa durmiendo todo el d铆a, con una cantidad incre铆ble de tan solo cinco mil p煤as, un o铆do muy bien desarrollado, capaz de o铆r el m谩s m铆nimo sonido y poseer un olfato de primera, adem谩s, por ser un animal nocturno, s煤mele una visi贸n excelente de noche, pero con dificultades para ver de d铆a.

     Es un animal solitario, solo est谩n en manadas para reproducirse. Existen 17 especies de erizos. Pueden hibernar 128 d铆as y mantener su temperatura corporal a 2掳C. Al percibir un ruido fuerte se forman como una bolita y activan sus p煤as. Les encanta comer insectos.

     Me encantar铆a acariciar este animalito, de beb茅s se ven tan tiernos y cuchis e inofensivos, a pesar de que es ilegal tenerlos de mascotas, me conformo con conocerlos.

The hedgehog

            It is a nocturnal animal that sleeps all day, with an incredible amount of only five thousand quills, a very well developed ear, able to hear the slightest sound and have a first class sense of smell, also, being a nocturnal animal, add an excellent vision at night, but with difficulty seeing during the day.

       It is a solitary animal, they are only in herds to reproduce. There are 17 species of hedgehogs. They can hibernate for 128 days and keep their body temperature at 2掳C. When they perceive a loud noise, they form into a ball and activate their quills. They love to eat insects.

      I would love to pet this little animal, as babies they look so cute and cuddly and harmless, even though it is illegal to keep them as pets, I am happy to meet them.

El ajolote

     Mejor conocido como pez caminate, un renacuajo gigante con patas y cola. El 煤nico vertebrado capaz de regenerarse por s铆 solo sin dejar cicratices. Poseen branquias que le facilita pasar todo el d铆a en el agua a pesar de poseer pulmones, poco van a tierra firme, en casos extremos de que el habita se seque ella se convierteen una salamandra.

     Son animalitos de 5 a 6 a帽os, aunque hubo datos de que algunos llegaron a vivir 17 a帽os. la alimentaci贸n son moluscos, peces y artr贸podos como insectos y ara帽as. Incluso se comen unos a otros.

     Estos hermosos animalitos se ven tan cautivadores a simple vista, me encantar铆a contemplar c贸mo se desenvuelven en su h谩bitad porque nunca envejece ya que poseen una juventud eterna.

The salamander

      Better known as a walking fish, a giant tadpole with legs and a tail. The only vertebrate capable of regenerating itself without leaving scars. They have gills that allow them to spend all day in the water despite having lungs, they rarely go to land, in extreme cases that the habitat dries it becomes a salamander.

       They are small animals of 5 to 6 years old, although there were data that some of them lived up to 17 years. They even eat each other.

      These beautiful little animals look so captivating to the naked eye, I would love to see how they develop in their habitat because they never get old because they have an eternal youth.

El ornitorrinco

     Es un animal de especie muy rara, siendo un ave, reptil y mam铆fero. Que pone huevo y no tiene mamas, es un animal semi acu谩tico, pero vive en madriguera en la tierra, a pesar de que pasa la mayor parte del tiempo nadando.

     Su alimentaci贸n es de peque帽os crust谩ceos y moluscos de agua dulce. Tambi茅n come renacuajos, larvas de insectos, huevas de peces. Gracias al pico que posee tiene electrorreceptores, que le ayudan a presenciar sus presas.

     Este tipo de animal pone de 1 a 4 huevos, como no tiene mamas, suda por sus poros la leche que le dar谩 a sus cr铆as. El macho posee un espuel贸n en una de las patas que contiene veneno para defenderse.

     Me gustar铆a tener el honor de conocer este hermoso animal, contemplar su rareza y verle nadar. Hasta tener la bendici贸n de ver c贸mo la madre cr铆a a sus hijos.

The platypus

      It is an animal of very rare species, being a bird, reptile and mammal. It lays eggs and has no breasts, is a semi-aquatic animal, but lives in burrows on land, although it spends most of its time swimming.

      It feeds on small crustaceans and freshwater mollusks. It also eats tadpoles, insect larvae and fish eggs. Thanks to its beak it has electroreceptors, which help it to see its prey.

       This type of animal lays 1 to 4 eggs, as it does not have breasts, it sweats through its pores the milk it will give to its young. The male has a spur on one of its legs that contains venom to defend itself.

      I would like to have the honor of meeting this beautiful animal, contemplate its rarity and watch it swim. Even have the blessing to see how the mother raises her offspring.

La mayoria de los animales ex贸ticos est谩n en peligro de extinci贸n, lo cual debemos cuidalos y no mantenerlos en cautiverio. Espero que les guste mi post. Invito para esta iniciativa a @mazquel, @jesuspsoto y a @mballestero.

Most exotic animals are in danger of extinction, which is why we should take care of them and not keep them in captivity. I hope you like my post. I invite @mazquel, @jesuspsoto and @mballestero for this initiative.

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