Aaannnnnd ACTION!

When you're the proud owner of The Blocks naturally photogenic, cutest ever, most adorable dog EVER who doesn't have to do a got dang thing like sleep in order to unequivocally enthrall audience attention, you find yourself creatively crouched in awkward positions more often than not in search of a shot no one's seen yet.

Anyone can turn the flash on their phone at 2am as not to disturb the baby in the middle of her precious little baby sleep with her big huge giant German Shepherd Dog head under her cot and feet propped ᵘᵖ on the wall.


Anyone Can Do That

Action shots, however, not so much. Gotta be directly in the line of fire for those, hashtag Finesse, willing to take one for the team. If your 2016 device requires you to be on top of the action due to a shitty 3x zoom, busted screen and a shutter with a mind of its own, be prepared to know what it feels like to protect home plate.

ʀᴜɴɴᴇʀ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟꜱ ᴛʜɪʀᴅ! ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴛᴄʜ!!!

Just in time for the out when suddenly your peripheral registers an 80 pound GSD coming at you in full speed who thinks home plate's a brand new frisbee. Like welding, you only get one shot. Get ready to take it on the chin.


No Really I Swear it's Just Sand

Still haven't figured out what to call this next one
There's a river in it
Autumn leaves
Red yellow pink and purple trees
Every once in awhile a passing boat
Blue skies
High of 75
Atlas with a piece of driftwood she found in the river in her mouth
I'll figure something out


Next isn't really an action shot. Nor does it qualify for photobomb or there'd be something other than canine's in it. Teeth, though, all up in your face like that and a title with ACTION! in it flow seamlessly like pick up lines and liquor.



I put up a version of this next one a couple months ago. In that photo, her eyes were really weird and half out of her head so I used it as a reference for disbelief but it was one of those based on actual events type photos whereas what you're about to witness for the very first time is the actual event in original form.


No One's Listening To You Anyway

These next two aren't quite as actiony but post worthy nonetheless so I made them small like this. To our right is: In A Race Against A Shadow. They just rounded turn 4. The finish line is in sight.

I'm a proponent of esthetics anyway. On our left is: The Difference Between Finish Face And Victory Lap. Her third, by the way—victory lap. Left her shadow in the dust back there somewhere.

And the winner is!!


Daddy's G - A Model Female Dog

I ended up on my back for that one. It happens. She juked at the last second, came right at me. I wasn't ready, took me out. Typically, the resulting photo when she runs me over is a blurry image of something unrecognizable. But, every once in awhile, good ol' iPhone 6 throws up a Hail Mary at the buzzer.


Photo Finish


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