My cat Bengi is finally a mother [ Esp/Eng]

Hello my people of Hive, especially to the feline lovers. I hope on this beautiful day you are very well with your cute kitties that with their tenderness and mischief have captivated us and stolen our hearts.

Today my friends, I want to tell you a little about my cat named Bengi. Since my husband and I found her walking in the streets, all dirty and dying, she stole our hearts. That day we took her home, bathed her and nursed her back to health. She is now part of the family.

Hola mi gente de Hive, en especial a los amantes de los felinos. Espero en este hermoso día se encuentren muy bien al lado de sus lindos gatitos que con su ternura y travesuras nos han cautivado y robado el corazón.

En el día de hoy mis amigos, les quiero hablar un poco acerca de mi gata llamada Bengi. Desde que mi esposo y yo la encontramos caminado por las calles, toda sucia y moribunda, nos robò el corzòn. Ese día la llevamos a casa, la bañamos y cuidamos hasta recuperarse totalmente. Ahora forma parte de la familia.

A few months after being at home, we realized that the cat had become jealous. It seemed strange to us because she was still a puppy or so we thought. After so much fighting with her so she wouldn't get pregnant, it was impossible to avoid it. After a month her belly started to show, but the weirdest thing was that at the same time her breasts were growing, specifically, two of them. She began to present hormonal problems in the pregnancy, that began to worry us, we did not know to what extent her breasts would grow, since it was not normal.

One afternoon at about five in the afternoon, the cat began to meow very loudly as if she was in pain. My husband and I quickly realized that she wanted to give birth. We suspected a miscarriage. It was not yet time for her kittens to be born. As we sensed, it was a miscarriage; all her puppies were stillborn and deformed. As the weeks went by, her breasts returned to normal.

With all that happened we thought she would not get pregnant again. But it wasn't like that, a few weeks ago she got pregnant again and we thought the same thing would happen. Days went by and her belly was growing, but we noticed that her boobs did not swell at any time. My husband and I were always watching her during her pregnancy. Everything was going normal until now. She was a few days away from giving birth, and we wanted to be there since, as I mentioned, her first pregnancy was a little painful.

A los pocos meses de estar en casa, nos dimos cuenta que la gata había entrado en celos. Nos pareció raro porque aún estaba cachorra o eso creíamos. De tanto luchar con ella para que no saliera preñada, fue imposible evitarlo. Al mes su pancita se empezaba a notar, pero lo más raro era que al mismo tiempo le crecían sus mamas, especificamente, dos de ellas. Empezó a presentar problemas hormonales en el embarazo, eso empezó a preocuparnos no sabíamos hasta qué punto sus teticas crecerían, ya que no era normal.

Una tarde aproximadamente a las cinco de la tarde, la gata empieza a maullar muy fuerte como si tuviera un dolor. Rápidamente mi esposo y yo nos dimos cuenta que querìa parir. Sospechamos un aborto. Aun no era tiempo de que sus cachorros nacieran. Tal como intuimos, era un aborto; todos sus cachorros nacieron muertos y deformados. Con el pasar de las semanas sus mamas volvieron a su normalidad.

Con todo lo ocurrido pensamos que no volvería a salir preñada. Pero no fue así, hace pocos volvió a salir embarazada y creímos que pasaría lo mismo. Fueron pasando los días y su panza iba creciendo, pero notamos que sus tetas no se hincharon en ningún momento. Mi esposo y yo siempre estábamos pendientes de ella durante su embarazo. Todo iba normal hasta los momentos. Le faltaba poco para dar a luz, y queríamos estar allí ya que, como les mencioné, su primer embarazo fue un poco doloroso.

One morning we woke up and it seemed strange not to have seen her. We started to look for her all around and called her but she didn't show up. We were afraid we wouldn't find her, although sometimes she would get lost, but she would come back. So we stopped looking for her.

Soon after my husband and I were working on the computer and heard the sound of kittens meowing outside, we quickly went outside to see where the meowing was coming from. Finally we found her, she had crawled into a secluded spot between a wall and a door to give birth. The good thing was that all four kittens were alive, healthy and very well formed. What a thrill for everyone! The children were happy and surprised looking at them.

Una mañana nos levantamos y nos pareció extraño no haberla visto. Empezamos a buscarla por todos los alrededores y la llamábamos pero no aparecía. Teníamos miedo de no encontrarla, aunque a veces se echaba sus perdidas, pero volvía. Así que dejamos de buscarla.

Al poco tiempo estando mi esposo y yo trabajando en la computadora escuchamos el sonido de los gatitos maullando en la parte de afuera, rápidamente salimos para ver de dónde venían los maullidos. Por fin la encontramos se había metido en un recóndito lugar, entre una pared y una puerta para dar a luz. Lo bueno de todo es que los cuatros gatitos estaban vivos, sanos y muy bien formados. ¡Que emoción para todos! Los niños estaban contentos y sorprendidos mirándolos.

I am glad that everything went well and that Bengi had his four healthy kittens and they were even fighting when feeding, hahaha. As for her, she is a little thin, but she is recovering little by little.

This has been all my friends. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Me alegro que todo haya salido bien y que Bengi tuvo sus cuatro gatitos bien sanos y hasta peleones al momento de alimentarse, jajaja. En cuento a ella quedo un poco delgada, pero allí va poco a poco recuperándose.

Esto ha sido todo mis amigo. Gracias por visitar mi blog.

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