[ESP/ENG] My story with the cat Chimi

Feliz sábado para todos mis amigos de Hive.

Hoy quiero haberles un poco acerca de Chimi. ¿Quién es Chimi? Un gato y así le llamamos.


Chimi antes de llegar a la casa de mi madre, tenía otros dueños que lo habían adoptado: mi hermana y mi sobrina ellas viven en un apartamento. Mi sobrina se encariñó mucho con él y lo consentía hasta ya no decir, jugaba y le daba amor y cariño, aun era un cachorro muy tierno y juguetón, pero no lo podían tener con ellos en el apartamento por razones personales, así que decidieron traerlo para donde mi madre y dejarlo allí.

Precisamente en esos día yo estaba visitando a mi mamá y me topé con el gatito la primera vez que lo miré me pareció muy tierno e indefenso. Tenía mucho miedo y vivía era escondiéndose, no salía del cuarto para ningún lado ni siquiera para el patio de la casa. Poco a poco se fue acostumbrando, tanto que luego de algunos días saltaba y corría por todo el patio de un lugar a otro. Cuando nos toco irnos se quedo y la verdad me dio algo de nostalgia dejarlo allí solo.

Les cuento que ahora que estoy visitando a mi madre me topé con el nuevamente, me sentí muy emocionada al verlo, esta hecho "todo un hombrecito", ¡cómo ha crecido! Apenas lo miré lo tomé en mis brazos y lo saludé muy emocionada. En ese momento el busca a morderme, obviamente yo lo suelto y me sorprendió mucho por su reacción; imaginé que era normal porque no me conocía. Sin embargo pasando los días seguía igual no se dejaba tocar, ni hacer cariño, buscaba a morderme, mi mamá me dijo que el se jugaba así, pero a mi esos juegos no me gustan. jajaja

Lo cierto era que seguía pareciéndome extraño su comportamiento el no era así, actuaba diferente seria porque creció en el campo y con poco amor, porque sí, mi mamá lo cuida pero no es cariñosa con él y se entiende, no a todo el mundo le agradan los gatos y no estoy diciendo que a mi mamá no le agrada, ella lo cuida y le da su alimento, pero no es de cargarlo o jugar con él.

He llegado a conclusión que es por falta de cariño, creció así y aparte estar en el campo también le ayudó a estar fuerte ante cualquier circunstancia que se le presente, ahora el es que manda en su territorio gato que no le agrada y anda rondando, es una pelea segura.

Ya para culminar la historia, me sentía triste porque no podía alzar a Chimi ni darle un abrazo. Sin embargo aquí viene la parte divertida que me hizo volver a creer en él. Aunque es un gato fuerte, por dentro aun queda un poquito de aquel felino tierno y juguetón, me puse a mover una ramita y hacerle movimiento y el empezó a esconderse y buscaba atraparla, que lindo ese día, me sentí tan feliz por él y por mi también ya que le tengo mucho cariño.

Esto ha sido todo, mis queridos amigos, les envío saludos y abrazos.


Happy Saturday to all my Hive friends.

Today I want to tell you a little bit about Chimi. Who is Chimi? A cat and that's what we call him.

Chimi 2.png

Before Chimi came to my mother's house, he had other owners who had adopted him: my sister and my niece who live in an apartment. My niece became very fond of him and spoiled him until she could no longer say, she played and gave him love and affection, he was still a very tender and playful puppy, but they could not keep him with them in the apartment for personal reasons, so they decided to bring him to my mother's house and leave him there.

Precisely on those days I was visiting my mom and I came across the kitten the first time I looked at him I found him very tender and helpless. He was very scared and lived by hiding, he did not go out of the room anywhere, not even to the backyard of the house. Little by little he got used to it, so much that after a few days he jumped and ran all over the yard from one place to another. When it was our turn to leave, he stayed and the truth is that I felt a little nostalgic to leave him there alone.

I tell you that now that I am visiting my mother I ran into him again, I was very excited to see him, he is "all grown up", how he has grown! As soon as I looked at him I took him in my arms and greeted him very excited. At that moment he tried to bite me, obviously I let him go and I was very surprised by his reaction; I imagined it was normal because he didn't know me. However, as the days went by, he didn't let me touch him, he didn't let me touch him, he didn't let me make him love him, he wanted to bite me, my mom told me that he played like that, but I don't like those games. hahahaha

The truth was that I still found his behavior strange, he was not like that, he acted differently seriously because he grew up in the countryside and with little love, because yes, my mom takes care of him but she is not affectionate with him and it is understood, not everyone likes cats and I'm not saying that my mom does not like him, she takes care of him and gives him his food, but she does not carry him or play with him.

I have come to the conclusion that it is due to lack of affection, he grew up like that and besides being in the field also helped him to be strong in any circumstance that arises, now he is in charge of his territory, a cat that does not like him and is roaming around, it is a sure fight.

Already to culminate the story, I felt sad because I couldn't lift Chimi up or give him a hug.However here comes the funny part that made me believe in him again. Although he is a strong cat, inside there is still a little bit of that tender and playful feline, I started to move a twig and make him move and he started to hide and tried to catch it, how cute that day, I felt so happy for him and for me too because I love him very much.

This has been all, my dear friends, I send you greetings and hugs.

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