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EN - ES 馃挒馃悤馃檹 A satisfactory postoperative and a Happy Dominique. Thank you all, we love you very much馃挒馃悤馃檹

Hi hivers - Hola hivers

How is my beloved Hive community doing? I hope you are all very well, I am well, just like Dominique, who a little more than a week ago underwent an operation on her intestine, I want to ask my sincere apologies for not bringing you updates on the case before, I had problems with my laptop. that makes it impossible for me to write content for Hive.

驴C贸mo se encuentra mi querida comunidad de Hive? espero que todos se encuentren muy bien yo me encuentro bien al igual que Dominique quien hace poco mas de una semana atraves贸 una operaci贸n en su intestino, quiero pedirles mis mas sinceras disculpas por no traerles antes actualizaciones sobre el caso, tuve problemas con mi laptop lo que me imposibilito escribir contenido para Hive.

The last week, from the day he left the hospital, Dominique was at home under constant surveillance and the company of my mother and my brother, Dominique received several treatments after hospitalization, antibiotics, soothing gastric protectors and others, which he consumed for 5 days.

While on medication he was a bit groggy and slept for a long amount of hours but since the end of the treatment he is very energetic and playful.

La ultima semana, desde el d铆a que sali贸 de la hospitalizaci贸n Dominique estuvo en casa bajo constante vigilancia y compa帽铆a de mi madre y mi hermano, Dominique recibi贸 varios tratamientos luego de la hospitalizaci贸n, antibi贸ticos, protectores g谩stricos calmantes y dem谩s, los cuales consumi贸 por 5 d铆as.

Mientras estaba medicado estuvo un poco atontado y dorm铆a y una larga cantidad de horas pero desde que termino el tratamiento esta muy en茅rgico y juguet贸n.

During this process, the postoperative period generated the need to graduate the food intake in relation to Dominique's response, we started with chicken broths, then blended soups, creams and currently she is beginning to eat chicken in threads along with the soup, she has It has been a long process, since after everything that happened he has a voracious hunger.

Durante ese proceso, el post operatorio generaba la necesidad de graduar la ingesta de comida en relaci贸n a la respuesta de Dominique, comenzamos con caldos de pollo, luego sopas licuadas, cremas y actualmente esta comenzando a ingerir pollo en hebras junto a la sopa, ha sido un proceso largo, dado que despu茅s de todo lo que paso tiene un hambre voraz.

We had a slight concern since it was not until day 6 postoperative that I managed to defecate, and we were concerned that the intestine had lost capacity due to the severity of the injury, however, everything went well and it is generating all its excretory functions with normality, which indicates to us that it is healing and quickly.

Tuvimos una leve preocupaci贸n dado que no fue hasta el d铆a 6 post operatorio que logro defecar, y ten铆amos la preocupaci贸n que el intestino hubiera perdido capacidad por la gravedad de la lesi贸n, sin embargo, todo sali贸 bien y se encuentra generando todas sus funciones de excreci贸n con normalidad, lo cual nos indica que esta sanando y r谩pidamente.

The wound that remains after the operation is quite large, we buy supplies according to the medical prescription that indicates cleaning it 2 times a day with gauze, not covering the wound and avoiding the formation of scabs.

This has been a bit difficult, avoid touching the area or licking it, so in some photos you will see him with improvised human clothing.

La herida que quedo luego de la operaci贸n es bastante grande, compramos insumos seg煤n la receta medica que indica limpiarla 2 veces por d铆a con gasas, no tapar la herida y evitar la formaci贸n de costras.

Esto ha sido un poco dif铆cil, evitar que se toque el 谩rea o se lama, por eso en algunas fotos lo ver谩n con ropa humana improvisada.

However, the doctor through videos and photos has monitored the wound on several occasions and notified us that it was fine, healing according to the plan and that we had to take it after 15 days to remove the external stitches (what was already paid in the budget initial).

Sin embargo el doctor mediante videos y fotos ha monitoreado en varias oportunidades la herida y nos notifico que se encontraba bien , sanando de acuerdo al plan y que deb铆amos llevarlo al cumplir 15 d铆as para retirar los puntos externos (lo cuan ya se pago en el presupuesto inicial).

Although he loves to walk in the park, we decide while he has the stitches not to take him out of the house, since he uses a lot of force to run and could hurt himself with a branch or lie on the floor outside, which would not be hygienic for his injury. or even worse eat something else while your gut heals.

Aunque el ama pasear en el parque, decidimos mientras tenga los puntos no sacarlo de casa, dado que el hace mucha fuerza para correr y se podr铆a lastimar con alguna rama o acostarse en el piso del exterior, lo cual no seria higi茅nico para su herida, o peor aun comer otra cosa mientras su intestino se recupera.

To avoid the latter, his usual veterinarian recommended us to use a halyard muzzle, that is, a plastic muzzle in the form of a mesh, which would allow him to open his muzzle normally, breathe calmly but at the same time prevent him from consuming anything while he is for a walk.

Para evitar esto ultimo, su veterinario habitual nos recomend贸 utilizar un bozal de driza, es decir, un bozal pl谩stico en forma de malla, el cual le permitir铆a abrir su hocico con normalidad respirar tranquilamente pero a su vez evitar que consuma cualquier cosa mientras se encuentra de paseo.

Currently Dominique looks much better, just as he always is, energetic, funny, kind, playful and I can continue to say a million things that inspire me when thinking about my child, but the goal is to express that he is very well and in recovery satisfactory post-operative.

Thank you, really thank you very much to all the people who have been watching Domi, I know that I am a bit disappointed not to have news in recent days, and I really ask you my most sincere apologies, it was out of my hands to make this publication in the days before.

Actualmente Dominique se ve mucho mejor, tal como es siempre, en茅rgico, divertido, amable, juguet贸n y puedo seguir diciendo un mill贸n de aspectos que me inspiran al pensar en mi ni帽o, pero el objetivo es expresar que se encuentra muy bien y en una recuperaci贸n post operatoria satisfactoria.

Gracias, de verdad muchas gracias a todas las personas que han estado pendientes de Domi, se que les decepciono un poco no tener noticias en los 煤ltimos d铆as, y de verdad les pido mis mas sinceras disculpas, se escapo de mis manos realizar esta publicaci贸n en los d铆as anteriores.

The budget is fully covered, I need to pay about $ 30 but I already have it available in my wallet, I still cannot believe that we could count on the support of so many people, financially, physically and emotionally speaking, I have no way to prove This eternal gratitude that I have with everyone, thank you guys, to all those who wrote to me when they did not have updates and those who followed me on social networks and were aware of Domi and in their prayers, I love you very much.

El presupuesto esta cubierto a su totalidad, me falta pagar cerca de 30$ pero ya lo tengo disponible en mi billetera, aun no puedo creer que pudimos contar con el apoyo de tantas personas, econ贸mica, f铆sica y emocionalmente hablando, no tengo forma de demostrar esta eterna gratitud que tengo con todos, gracias chicos, a todos los que me escribieron al no tener actualizaciones y los que me segu铆an por redes sociales y estuvieron pendientes de Domi y en sus oraciones, los quiero much铆simo.

Esto ha sido todo por hoy, si te gusta lo que hago, siente libertad de ayudarme a seguir

This has been all for today, if you like what I do, feel free to help me continue

El ingles no es mi idioma natal, me ayudo de traductores para realizar estos post
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con Xiaomi redmi 7

English it is not my native language, I help myself with translators to make these posts
All photos are my property taken with Xiaomi redmi 7

Muchas gracias por leer
Ten un bonito y feliz d铆a
Con amor Carla Gonzalez Venezolana en Uruguay

Thanks so much for reading
Have a nice and happy day
With love Carla Gonzalez Venezolana in Uruguay

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