Does Cat Need A Friend?


Cats are animals 4-legged which is usually maintained by many people of different race types. Usually the cat is used as a ‘friend’ even ‘family’ to accompany their owners run the day to day life. The presence of the cat makes his owner do not feel lonely.

In maintaining a cat, not a few people thought to preserve a cat just because it felt it was very quite troublesome especially nourish the cat in the number of the lot.

Then arise a lot of questions, do cats get lonely? While out there, a lot of cats that live and interact with fellow cats, but some are not.


Cats are lonely very depending on whether the cat reared tend to be alone or like to play. When the cat who maintained a strong character who likes to be alone, it means the cat is not fond of interactions of the other cats and tend to prefer at home and have fun with their owners. But cats that love to play and the character of the good-humoured would love to have a fellow cat.

The cat is very different with the dog. Dogs have social interaction with other dogs because they hunt in groups. Different with cats, cats do not like to eat with close proximity to other cats. However, at the time outside the activities of eating, they can interact with other cats.


As an example, I have a cat named Kepin a very active and cheerful, I maintain this cat is, but some time I think that this cat need a friend to play, because I can't play with her any time. Incidentally, my neighbor has a cat that is very active and likes to come home to play with my cat.


Their friendship is enough to make the house a mess because super active so make a lot of stuff falling, and not only mess my home, they also love to wrestle each other as players WWE.


Have the same age, the same gender even the same weight, so as to make their friendship is very close and familiar. Sometimes I am confused, whether they are fighting or playing.

Pray for them to be healthy always yes hive pets. And all of you are healthy and always with a pet all of you.


Author: Aswita
You can find me instagram @aswitasoe
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A women obsessed planting and cooking.
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