A Short-Lived Affair With Mimi


One morning, Little Man came home with a tiny kitten. He said he has a new pet! Apparently, it was a kitten who came to my Aunt's home and didn't leave anymore. Little Man, a cat lover that he is, decided to take the kitty in.

I was hesitant at first because the kitten was too tiny and it might just die, and secondly because since we are just on vacation and he might just grow too attached to it knowing we would need to leave.

I can still clearly remember how broken-hearted we were when our Maxxie died too soon. Little Man was shattered, to say the least. I kinda don't want him to experience that sepanx again.

Bath Time

Despite my father's desparate efforts to shhooo away the kitty, who the kids had named Mimi, the kitten would make an appearance in hour house time and again.

Little Man and his young cousins would give Mimi a bath several times a day, even using my cousin's bath towel to dry her off. Hahaha.

The baths gave Mimi the license to stay inside our room. She would cuddle with Little Man or just sleep soundly in one corner. One time, she even went with us in the car when we went grocery shopping!

Little Man adored her.

One day, we noticed Mimi was not coming anymore. She could freely roam from one house to another in our little compound so she would be in either of the two of my Aunts' houses when not in ours.

I have an idea where Mimi could have gone. I asked my uncle and he confirmed that they threw her away -- left her on the road faraway so she could never find her way back home.

It was so sad, but there was barely anything we could do. It's been done and to even attempt to look for her would just go in vain.

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