[ESP/ENG]La gran sorpresa que lleve a nuestro hogar....!/The big surprise that he brings to our home ....!

Hola queridos amigos, soy nueva en esto de hacer publicaciones, el día de hoy quiero hablarles de mis nuevas mascotas , son dos pequeños felinos que hemos adoptados en mi familia ya que donde vivían no los querían y me estaban diciendo que querían botarlos a la calle y no pude permitirlo.

Hello dear friends, I am new to publishing, today I want to tell you about my new pets, they are two small cats that we have adopted into my family since they did not want them where they lived and they were telling me that they wanted to throw them out on the street. and I couldn't allow it.

Desde muy pequeña me gustan los gatos, en mi infancia rescate a muchos, gracias a dios mis padres me apoyaban en eso, y pude ayudar a muchos gatitos, ya con el pasar del tiempo entre los estudios y el trabajo no pude seguir atendiendo a mas gatitos , así que los que tenía fueron muriendo de viejitos y eso causaba una gran depresión en mi, al punto que decidí no tener mas mascotas.

Since I was very little I like cats, in my childhood I rescued many, thank God my parents supported me in that, and I was able to help many kittens, and with the passage of time between studies and work I could not continue to attend to more kittens, so the ones I had were dying of old age and that caused a great depression in me, to the point that I decided not to have more pets.

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Hace como 4 años mi hija quiso tener un perrito y nos regalaron regalaron a Nutello a quien presentare muy pronto en esta comunidad, es un consentido que nos acompaña a donde vayamos, el era la única mascota hasta hoy, pues salí hacer mercado he regresado con 2 hermosos gatitos, mi hija super contenta, mi esposo no tanto pero se que ellos harán su trabajo y lo convencerán muy rápido, son demasiado tiernos y se que alegraran nuestro hogar, y podremos darle una excelente calidad vida, mi hija ya le dio sus nombres el oscurito es hembra se llama carlota y el amarillito es una macho se llama antonio, les cuento llegaron hoy y ya están muy cómodos.

About 4 years ago my daughter wanted to have a puppy and they gave us Nutello who I will present very soon in this community, he is a spoiled person who accompanies us wherever we go, he was the only pet until today, because I went out to market I have returned with 2 beautiful kittens, my daughter super happy, my husband not so much but I know that they will do their job and convince him very quickly, they are too cute and I know they will brighten up our home, and we can give him an excellent quality of life, my daughter has already given him her names the dark one is female, his name is carlota, and the yellow one is a male, his name is Antonio. I will tell you they arrived today and they are already very comfortable.

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Nutello un poco asustado pero se que será un gran hermano mayor.

Nutello a little scared but I know he's going to be a great big brother.


Espero les haya gustado este episodio de mi vida, quise compartirlo con ustedes pes estoy muy emocionada de tener estos bebes en casa , mas adelante compartiré como van creciendo estas hermosuras y sus travesura que serán muchas.
gracias por leerme...!

I hope you liked this episode of my life, I wanted to share it with you although I am very excited to have these babies at home, later I will share how these beauties and their mischief are growing, which will be many.
thanks for reading me...!

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