[ESP-ENG] Chocolate mi compañero y amigo incondicional // Chocolate my unconditional companion and friend

Buenas amigos, reciban un afectuoso y cordial saludo de mi parte, para mi es un privilegio escribirles el día de hoy, acerca de mi perro Chocolate, espero sea de su agrado.

Good friends, receive a warm and cordial greeting from me, for me it is a privilege to write today, about my dog Chocolate, I hope you like it.


Foto tomada por mi sobrino con su teléfono inteligente.

Como todos saben Chocolate, así se llama mi perro, este canino que gano mi corazón y aunque su nombre se lo di porque cuando lo lleve a casa de mi mamá ella disfrutando de un rico chocolate. También lo hice por su pelaje ya que al verlo me pareció un Chocolate.

As you all know Chocolate, that's the name of my dog, this canine that won my heart and although I gave him his name because when I took him to my mom's house she was enjoying a delicious chocolate. I also did it because of his coat because when I saw him he looked like a Chocolate to me.

Amigos quiero sepan que desde el preciso momento en que encontré a Chocolate solo y desvalido en las calles sentí una fuerte conexión con el he inmediatamente supe que iba a ser feliz con este pequeño. Cada día entre anécdotas y aventuras Chocolate me demuestra su fidelidad es mi amigo incondicional; siempre me acompaña sabe cuando estoy alegre, cuando algo me entristece y hasta cuando me molesto, porque viene hacia a mi caminando muy despacito con sus orejitas bajas y pegaditas a su cabeza y su cola muy escondida y es allí cuando me enojo más porque me parece injusto que el se ponga así por mi culpa, es tan amoroso siempre lamiéndome, aceptando mis caricias y juegos aunque sale a relucir su fiereza cuando percibe que atacan o agreden a cualquier integrante de su familia.

Friends, I want you to know that from the very moment I found Chocolate alone and helpless in the streets I felt a strong connection with him and I immediately knew that I was going to be happy with this little guy. Every day between anecdotes and adventures Chocolate shows me his fidelity, he is my unconditional friend; He always accompanies me, he knows when I am happy, when something saddens me and even when I get upset, because he comes to me walking very slowly with his little ears low and glued to his head and his tail very hidden and that's when I get more angry because it seems unfair that he gets like that because of me, he is so loving always licking me, accepting my caresses and games although his fierceness comes out when he perceives that any member of his family is attacked or assaulted.


Foto tomada por mi sobrino con su teléfono inteligente.

Chocolate para mi es mi hermano canino, por el cual me tuve que responsabilizar y al cual le tuve que enseñar las normas de la casa y las normas para domesticarlo, porque si iba a ser parte de nuestra familia, tenia que ser así, con normas y hábitos establecidos respetando que es un perro y una mascota. A Chocolate lo quiero mucho y lo querré siempre aunque ya no este conmigo pues sus años de vida como perro son más cortos que mi vida como humano, según los expertos, mientras tanto disfruto a plenitud de su compañía y travesuras.

Chocolate for me is my canine brother, for whom I had to take responsibility and to whom I had to teach the rules of the house and the rules to tame him, because if he was going to be part of our family, it had to be like that, with rules and habits established respecting that he is a dog and a pet. I love Chocolate very much and I will always love him even if he is no longer with me because his years of life as a dog are shorter than my life as a human, according to the experts, meanwhile I fully enjoy his company and mischief.


Foto tomada por mi sobrino con su teléfono inteligente.

Al tener a Chocolate me doy cuenta que su nobleza traspasa los limites, porque lo único que le llena y le conforta es nuestra compañía. Por tal motivo lo acariciamos, abrasamos y atendemos porque es la única forma de retribuir todo lo que le damos, después de todo son cosas que estando en un hogar no puede hacer solo y depende de nuestra ayuda para ello.

Having Chocolate I realize that his nobility goes beyond limits, because the only thing that fills and comforts him is our company. For this reason we pet him, cuddle him and take care of him because it is the only way to give him back everything we give him, after all these are things that being in a home he cannot do alone and he depends on our help for it.


Foto tomada por mi sobrino con su teléfono inteligente.

Para mi familia es la mejor compañía y un asistente para los días difíciles, porque al llegar a casa el único que no reclama, ni hace rabietas, ni nos abruma contando su día difícil es Chocolate, el simplemente esta ahí moviendo su cola, saltándonos encima, lamiéndonos es decir nos recibe sin condición. Chocolate siempre esta en nuestros planes en las vacaciones, en las salidas, paseos y en muchos otros planes esta mascota siempre esta presente.

For my family he is the best company and an assistant for the difficult days, because when we get home the only one who does not complain, does not throw tantrums, nor overwhelms us telling us about his difficult day is Chocolate, he is simply there wagging his tail, jumping on us, licking us, that is to say, he receives us without condition. Chocolate is always in our plans on vacations, outings, walks and in many other plans this pet is always present.


Foto tomada por mi sobrino con su teléfono inteligente.

Para mi familia Chocolate es muy importante, lo queremos mucho y nos dolería mucho si algo malo le pasara y aunque sabemos que como especie animal se tiene que reproducir, nos gustaría que tenga su familia junto a nosotros para ayudarlo a cuidar y atender a su propia familia. Aunque ya su atención estaría más focalizada a su familia, pero igual lo seguiremos queriendo, porque al igual que nosotros también nos sucede que buscamos cubrir nuestras necesidades e intereses en algún momento de nuestra vida; sin embargo aun así Chocolate siempre tendrá el apoyo incondicional de su familia humana, porque es el Chocolate más impresionante, increíble e inolvidable que hemos conocido y creo que jamas habrá otro igual.

For my family Chocolate is very important, we love him very much and it would hurt us very much if something bad happened to him and although we know that as an animal species he has to reproduce, we would like him to have his family with us to help him take care of his own family. Although his attention would be more focused on his family, but we will still love him, because just like us we also seek to cover our needs and interests at some point in our lives; however even so Chocolate will always have the unconditional support of his human family, because he is the most impressive, incredible and unforgettable Chocolate we have ever known and I think there will never be another one like him.


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