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La historia de Pichi (Ciencia y sentimiento) // Pichi's story (Science and sentiment)


Nunca he estado de acuerdo en mantener las aves de mascota. Creo que se hicieron para volar y enamorarnos de sus ruidos y colores; sin embargo, hoy deseo compartir con ustedes esta publicación en honor a un lindo azulejo que formó parte de una querida familia vecina.

I have never agreed with keeping birds as pets. I think they were made to fly and make us fall in love with their noises and colours; however, today I want to share with you this publication in honour of a cute little tile that was part of a dear neighbouring family.

A veces, no nos acostumbramos a las leyes biológicas, pero en la naturaleza un individuo deforme, no debe vivir. Este es el caso de pichi, tal vez un ave de un cruce incestuoso, bien sea entre hermanos o hijos con sus padres que, lo hizo nacer con ciertas condiciones que en la vida silvestre no le hubiesen permitido sobrevivir.

Sometimes, we don't get used to biological laws, but in nature a deformed individual should not live. This is the case of pichi, perhaps a bird from an incestuous crossbreeding, either between siblings or offspring with their parents, which caused it to be born with certain conditions that in the wild would not have allowed it to survive.

Sin embargo, esta ave logró nacer, y fue encontrada por unos niños que, corrieron a llevarla a su madre, quien dio los primeros cuidados pues era apenas un pichón. Como especie, y como madres, una criatura tan pequeña nos saca nuestros sentimientos más sensibles, y esto trajo como consecuencia, que pichi lograra extender su existencia.

However, this bird managed to be born, and was found by some children who ran to take it to its mother, who gave it the first care as it was just a chick. As a species, and as mothers, such a small creature brings out our most sensitive feelings, and as a consequence, pichi managed to extend its existence.

Su domesticación era visible. Fueron humanos a los que vio como medio de protección y sustento y eso le hacía buscarlos y no sentirse en peligro. Le encantaba comer frutas, en especial el mango, y en una de las visitas que me hacía junto a su dueña, logré tomarle unas fotografías.

His domestication was visible. It was humans that he saw as a means of protection and sustenance and that made him seek them out and not feel in danger. He loved to eat fruit, especially mangoes, and on one of the visits I made with his owner, I managed to take some photographs of him.

Luego de comer, quedaba en un profundo letargo. Sus patitas siempre se veían torcidas, y yo veía incomoda su postura, pero definitivamente se había acostumbrado a vivir así. Su color no era vistoso, eso haría que ningún individuo de su especie lo seleccionara, pues no es vigoroso. Estos especímenes que nacen bajo estas condiciones generalmente muestran poca vida y rechazo a la hora de poder copular, si es que acaso no era estéril.

After eating, he would go into a deep lethargy. His paws always looked crooked, and I found his posture uncomfortable, but he had definitely got used to living like that. Its colour was not showy, that would make no individual of its species select it, for it is not vigorous. Such specimens born under these conditions generally showed little life and refusal to mate, if it was not sterile at all.

Se le llamaba y contestaba, una conducta aprendida. No hacia vuelos largos y le encantaba bañarse, abriendo sus alas al máximo. En esta publicación comparto algunas de las fotografías que pude capturar sobre él.

It was called and answered, a learned behaviour. It did not take long flights and loved to bathe, opening its wings to the maximum. In this post I share some of the photographs I was able to capture of him.

Hace unos días, amaneció sin vida y esto ha generado una profunda tristeza en mi hermana de vida. La consuelo diciéndole que ella alargó una existencia que no le correspondía y que eso debe hacerle sentir tranquila. Hoy pichi vuela en el cielo de las aves, donde se verá fuerte y colorido.

A few days ago, he woke up lifeless and this has generated a deep sadness in my sister in life. I console her by telling her that she prolonged an existence that was not hers and that this should make her feel at ease. Today Pichi flies in the sky of the birds, where he will look strong and colourful.

Las especies, incluso los humanos obedecemos a leyes biológicas que solo se dan. No se producen con intenciones, solo ocurren al azar y evalúan los gastos energéticos. El hibrido o el individuo incestuoso que logra nacer, tiene bien sea, morir al nacer o durar un poco, siendo rechazado para perpetuarse.

Species, including humans, obey biological laws that just happen. They do not occur with intentions, they only occur randomly and evaluate energy expenditures. The hybrid or incestuous individual that manages to be born, has either to die at birth or last a little while, being rejected to perpetuate itself.

¡Adiós pichi! // Goodbye pichi!