A stressful experience for Canelón: his first car trip.

An affectionate greeting for this beautiful community, where so much love for our pets is shared. I want to share with you the experience of my first car trip and being in a strange house with my cat "Canelón". On Friday we went to visit an aunt who lives in another city, it is a short trip of about an hour. I was a little worried because we had never made such a trip with him. I prepared a bag with his sawdust, which is what we use for his needs, his food and water.

When he got in the car he became anxious, but after about fifteen minutes he was more nervous, he was panting like a dog and I missed him so much, I had never seen him before and I didn't know why that reaction, that scared me a lot. The poor thing became agitated when the car went over a bump and mom braked. My Canelón was really scared.




It was an hour for him and for me and my brother of great anguish. When we arrived at my aunt's house and we went to the bedroom, he got under the bed and from there he did not come out until almost 8 pm, and we arrived at about 9 am and until that time he did not relieve himself nor did he eat.




When he came out very timidly he approached the door of the room and when he heard the voices of my cousins, he got under the bed, and went back out and that way he gained a little confidence, ate something and went to the kitchen where we were all gathered, there he lay down a little away from us, but he was there for a while. He slept all night under the house and the rest of the next morning he spent there too, but he went out, ate and went back under the bed. So much so that when it was time to go back home I had to look for some cat sounds on Youtube to get him to come out from under the bed. Here I will leave the link in case any of you need it Link


On the way back he was nervous, but not in his initial state, panting and everything. And when we got to our apartment he got under my bed for a while, but then he came out and slept all afternoon and I even put a mint leaf next to him to relax him. I would like some recommendations, I know travel is very stressful for pets, and in about 15 days we are moving to another state, and it's about 8 hours of travel, plus we will be living in a big house and they have a dog there.


What can I do to keep him from getting so anxious, I would like this trip not to be a suffering for my catty. Thank you all for being so pet friendly and I look forward to your recommendations in the comments, to make my Canelon's car trip more enjoyable.

  • The photos are my own and were taken with my Blu C7. The translation was done with the help of DeepL. The separators and banners were edited in Canva


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