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Hey everyone, meet Kitaro Chan, your meme-worthy, mischievious feline with an intriguing personality and WEIRD pURbuddy. I adopted Kitaro when he was 3 months old.


However, do not let his silly pictures fool you though, his piercing yellow eyes seem to hold a hint of human intelligence. He is a master of disguise and has been known to mimic human expressions, making him a favorite of all who meet him. Sometimes I wonder if he is actually human? With his grayish and silverish fur, you might mistaken him as a regal silver fox.


Other than that, this naughty cat is also a skilled hunter and loves to explore the great outdoors, bringing home poor birdies as a prize. This young gentlepaw definitely won't live in your house for free, he knows what he gotta do.

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To my family and I, Kitaro Chan is more than just a pet; he is a beloved member of the family. With his unique charm, hunting prowess, and human-like expressions, he brings joy and entertainment to our home. We are grateful for every moment we get to spend with him, whether he's cuddled up on our laps or scampering around the house. (I am grateful for the occasional scratches too) We are lucky to have him in our house.

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