Avances de Metra y Akiles, travesuras de mis gatos [ESP-ING]

Advances of Metra and Akiles, mischief of my cats.png

Hoy es #Caturday, tengo noticias gratas las cuales deseo compartir, porque se han visto avances en cuanto a los casos de los gatos que me rodean, además cosas cotidianas de mis gatos que me encantan.


Primero deseo dar gracias a todos los que colaboraron con Metra de una u otra manera, entre su amable apoyo, el de una amiga y que me depositaron el primer mes de bono de fin de año, logre cancelar la hematología que debía en la clínica, eso me tranquilizo como no tienen idea, ya que primero no es agradable que te cobren y segundo es importante tener las puertas abiertas, porque en esta clínica me han apoyado un millón de veces y es muy probable que necesite de ellos otra vez.


Si bien es cierto que al terminar el tratamiento, que es pronto, hay que repetir la hematología para comparar lo valores y pensado en que tal vez no podría reunir el dinero para cancelar la hematología pendiente y la que viene, active un pequeño Power Down, porque de verdad deseo que Metra esté en óptimas condiciones y para saber si vamos por buen camino hay que hacer la hematología al terminar el tratamiento.


Por otra parte, estoy intentando que tanto él como mis gatos se lleven un poco mejor, a ver si logro que se quede en casa, ya que con el oído expuesto no es prudente que siga en las calles, pero definitivamente él no tolera a otros gatos, los ataca y eso que son ellos los que en realidad lo están tolerándolo a él, pues está invadiendo su territorio.


En cuanto a mis gatos, Akiles va mucho mejor desde que comenzó su tratamiento hace ya más de 10 días para gingivitis, de hecho se presumía que tenía un tumor en la boca, pero luego de unos días de tratamiento y de buscar una segunda opinión, se descartó, ya come con más ánimo y en mayor cantidad, pero todavía lo veo babear y el mal olor de su boca continua más leve pero sigue allí.


Por otro lado, como podrán notar la manada continua apodera del sofá, muy pocas veces me siento allí, es algo a los que estamos acostumbrados, los que tenemos gatos y eso que yo estoy segura de que soy una de las pocas que es capaz de moverlos de allí si desea sentarse, he visto videos y tengo amigos que son capaces de sentarse en el suelo para no molestar a sus bigotudos.



Ahora bien, volviendo con Metra esta mañana me hizo correr y agacharme como las buenas, sabía que era hora de ir al veterinario y tan sencillo como que al ver que me acercaba salió corriendo y logro meterse debajo de algunos vehículos del estacionamiento con todo y que tenía el collar isabelino, no sé quién termino más cansado, si él o yo.

Terminando esta semana, tanto Metra como Akiles han evolucionado, hay que atender también la gingivitis de Pocholo y Rusa, pero primero quiero terminar los tratamientos de Akiles y Metra porque ellos los puedo inyectar en casa luego de llevarlos a pesar y así inyectarlos en casa.

english version (click here)

Today is #Caturday, I have some good news which I want to share, because we have seen progress in the cases of the cats
I have seen progress in terms of the cases of the cats that surround me, as well as daily things of my cats that I love.
I also have some daily things about my cats that I love.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who collaborated with
Metra in one way or another, among your kind support, that of a friend and that you deposited the first month of the
the first month's end of the year bonus, I was able to pay the hematology that I owed at the clinic.
that I owed at the clinic, that reassured me like you have no idea, since first of all it is not nice to be
it is not nice to be charged and secondly it is important to have the doors open, because in this clinic I have been
open doors, because this clinic has supported me a million times and it is very likely that I will need them again.
and it is very likely that I will need them again.

Although it is true that at the end of the treatment, which is soon, you have to repeat the hematocrit.
treatment, which is soon, it is necessary to repeat the hematology to compare the values and I thought that I might not be able to raise the money.
that I might not be able to raise the money to cancel the pending hematology and the next one, I activated a small
the next one, I activate a small Power Down, because I really want Metra to be in optimal conditions
Metra to be in optimal conditions and to know if we are on the right way we have to do the hematology at the end of the
hematology at the end of the treatment.

On the other hand, I am trying to get him and my cats to get along a little better, because I really want Metra to be in good
cats to get along a little better, to see if I can get him to stay at home, since with his exposed ear it is not prudent
exposed ear it is not wise to keep him on the streets, but he definitely does not tolerate other cats.
tolerates other cats, he attacks them and they are the ones who are actually tolerating him, because he is
tolerating him, as he is invading their territory.

As for my cats, Akiles has been doing much better since he started
started his treatment more than 10 days ago for gingivitis.
presumed that he had a tumor in his mouth, but after a few days of treatment and seeking a second
and seeking a second opinion, it was discarded, he eats with more encouragement and in greater quantity, but I still see him drooling.
but I still see him drooling and the bad odor in his mouth continues to be milder, but it is still there.
but it is still there.

On the other hand, as you may notice, the herd continues to take over the couch
the sofa, very few times I sit there, it is something to which we are used to, those of us who have cats and
used to, those of us who have cats, and I am sure that I am one of the few who is
one of the few that is able to move them from there if she wants to sit, I have seen videos and I have friends
videos and I have friends who are able to sit on the floor so as not to disturb their whiskers.
their mustaches.

Now, going back to Metra this morning she made me run and duck like a good girl.
and bent over like a good girl, I knew it was time to go to the vet and as simple as that when she saw me
I knew it was time to go to the vet and as simple as that when he saw me approaching he ran out and managed to get under some of the
under some vehicles in the parking lot, even though she had her Elizabethan collar on.
I don't know who ended up more tired, him or me.

Finishing this week, both Metra and Akiles have evolved.
both Metra and Akiles have evolved, Pocholo's and Rusa's gingivitis also needs to be taken care of, but
but first I want to finish Akiles' and Metra's treatments because they can be injected at home
I can inject them at home after weighing them and inject them at home.


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Divisores de texto creados por @mayvil/ Text splitters created by @mayvil

Contenido original creado por @actioncats para HIVE/ ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter | | Original content created by @actioncats for HIVE/ ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter


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