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Massive Protests In France Againt Draconian COVID Control Policies

France has seen some of the world's most overpowering government policies in the name of 'fighting COVID19'. Videos have emerged of shoppers being blocked from buying food due to vaccination rules and now the French tradition of massive vocal protests is accelerating.

The French people are never ones to quietly ignore the actions of government that they don't like. With a history of revolution, execution and more recently all kinds of fighting back against what is arguably a tyrannical presence looming over them, the French are particiapting in large scale marches against COVID19 policy in their nation.

With Australian police openly taunting protesters and even firing rubber bullets at them - it seems that the French police are somewhat more intelligent in this video at least, having had to put up with years of the community disowning them as a result of their own barbarism and unconscious heartlessness in the name of 'order following'.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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