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It sound like a joke. It sounds like fantasy. But it's reality of our times.

Russian government has decided to stimulate people to make injections.
Street ads about death (if you don't do it) work bad.
Mass-media tension don't give enough results, probably, and they create new and new methods to make people turn off their brains.
Runet is full of info and mems about Covid-vaccination and the side-effects of it, but money create miracles, and I'm sure some people will be ready to sell their health for this lottery.

Anyone who has been vaccinated will get a chance to get 1500$ as a prize in Covid-lottery!
it will be organisedd 100 times. So the total prize if 150,000$!
The start will be in September.
(official doc № 1324 from 10/08/2021)

A nice trick, especially in a rather poor country and especially when the Covid crisis has stolen most money from people's pockets...

  • politics of threatening and tension for those who still are free from the "magic" injection.

At last they have proved - COVID VAACINATION IS A REAL LOTTERY. - source, my favourite lawyer's site who has her head turned ON and helps people to avoid vaccination legally.