More issues with corona

1 Vaccine Scepsis

I don't trust the people promoting the vaccine, but this is not really my deep concern, that is only the surface level.

1.1 Already admitted it won't fix anything

Just from listening to the general chatter from the people running the vaccine specifically in America, they have no intention of actually allow people to go back to 'normal' even after they got the shot. This is concerning, and then there is literally no point to getting the vaccine, the chances of actually getting seriously ill from this is already astronomical.

1.2 Side Effects

The possibility of side effects from the corona vaccine has to weighed against the chance of getting seriously ill from corona. Where we already have pretty good data about the risk of getting seriously ill with corona, we have no data to concerning the risk profile of the shot. With the risk factor of covid, the shot is in fact not necessary and any thinking adult with no other risk factors should probably just give it a pass.

1.3 Vaccine ?

Oh yeah it is technically not actually a vaccine, since there is a standard for what that actually is.

Vaccines: The Basics
Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease. (For example, measles vaccine contains measles virus, and Hib vaccine contains Hib bacteria.) But they have been either killed or weakened to the point that they don’t make you sick. Some vaccines contain only a part of the disease germ.

A vaccine stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies, exactly like it would if you were exposed to the disease. After getting vaccinated, you develop immunity to that disease, without having to get the disease first.

This is what makes vaccines such powerful medicine. Unlike most medicines, which treat or cure diseases, vaccines prevent them.

Copied verbatim from the CDC

This current offered vaccine is in fact not meeting this criteria, since the actual virus is not in fact in the shot, instead the shot has been built on mRNA. Which is instructions to build stuff in the body, let's repeat that. Instructions to build stuff in the body, this is what the 'vaccine' does makes you body build a copy of the virus, and if you believe this, well let's just say you shouldn't.

The ability to just make instructions to make your body build whatever sounds very scary, and then when we don't even need this shot to combat this virus it sounds even more suspicious to me. The whole 'pandemic' has been largely created and inflated to sell a solution that would not be accepted under different circumstances.

1.4 Pandemic

Even if we agree this is a pandemic the death toll as it stands (likely inflated) of 2.9 million is actually almost in line with normal deaths from the common flu each year, although I have not been able to find historical data, and in fact some years the flu has killed many more than that

Wikipedia Pandemics

Okay only the spanish flu, but it is not uncommon for the flu to kill in this in this range both the 1957-1958 influenza and the hong kong flu killed in this range. So there is nothing unusual about this, and we even see a pretty flat line for number of deaths in most places.

1.5 Testing

This seems to be about the worst way to combat this virus, let's imagine we test as many people as we can say 100 thousand per day. and say we have a uncertainty of 10%, this means we have 2 groups of people 1 group will get the false negative, these people will go out and infect, since if they have symptoms it is not from this disease therefore they can go out. But then we have another group, who is actually possibly worse, the group of people who got a false positive test, they will be told to stay home, and be unable to do much, no work or going out, these might actually be the real victims, of this draconian test system.

These two groups together will make up 10 thousand every day, and the rest are likely going to be mostly without disease, perhaps we manage to find a few thousand in tests on any particular day. But this is a net loss due to the uncertainty of the tests, in just 10 days you have about 100 thousand who was misdiagnosed, this in fact makes this whole system worthless, no actually it is worse than worthless.

1.5.1 A better way

Surely if anybody who had symptoms stayed at home we would be over this insanity in a matter of months, since the asymptomatic spread has largely been debunked by this point.

1.6 Just a power grab

It seems much more likely that this whole thing is just a power grab by the politicians, I do usually say "do not ascribe to malice, what can be explained by stupidity", but in this case I think stupidity is not a valid description, perhaps cowardice is better, but to fully explain the world wide lockdowns I think malice is the only real explaination, it is the rare place that did not lockdown, some places even convinced their people to wear masks anywhere outdoors they went.

1.7 Masks


This is what I see when people wear their masks, there is also some research showing it is practically pointless to wear these masks, and then there is the whole risk factor concerning health problems related to mask wearing.

 A Weakened Immune System
“There are studies indicating that low oxygen levels in the tissues (hypoxia) can suppress some aspects of the immune response,” says Dr. Esteban Kosak. “Scientific investigations have proven that a prolonged denial of enough oxygen in the body can cripple the ability of our immune system to tackle infections which is even worse with older and younger people.”


A weaker immune system seems to be about the last thing we would want in the face of a 'pandemic'.

1.8 The 'vaccine' that wasn't

Funny thing that the 'vaccine' pushed for covid, seems to not have the characteristic of making it a thing of the past, rather it will nullify only some symptoms, but you will still be able to get sick with corona. This makes the "vaccine" not actually a vaccine since it will not prevent infection, only mitigate some of symptoms of the disease.

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