Draconian Covid Policies

I’m not really surprise at China’s draconian method of combating covid-19 but I’m sure glad that I don’t lived there.

I mean, the CCP literally forces their citizens to take the covid shot against their will, and put them in quarantine camps with almost inhumane conditions.

Not enough quarantine camps? No problem! Just bolt shut the patients’ houses and neighborhoods.

And yet some international news media praise the CCP’s method of doing things. Moreover, they wanted the world to learn from China. There should really be a limit to shilling…

Then there’s Australia…

The Australian government despite not seeing eye-to-eye with China seemed to be copying China’s method with their own draconian policies.

Sure they haven’t reached China’s level yet but if things continue as it is, Australia might just end like the second China with the way they handle the covid-19 outbreak.

I mean just watch the video and see for yourself how they handle the anti-lock down protestors.

What’s more terrifying though was the fact that this was not just limited to Australia. The US, the UK, France, and other European countries also want to implement much harsher policies of their own so much so that they come pretty close to forcing their citizens to take the vaccine.

If not for the fact that their own citizens and the international community are watching them closely, the governments of these countries might have implemented policies similar to that of China.


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