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When you ask for an "unvaccinated person gets COVID and tragically dies" story here is what you get...

wbz_tv_channel_7_0910_2021-09-14 -1-53-20.png
Image: Screenshot of the WXYZ-TV Channel 7's Facebook post

This incredible news came to me courtesy DuckHK whose production I highly recommend. He is a very reasonable and even headed person and is quite good at putting together thoughtful and informative reports.

Let us now go to the story. WXYZ-TV Channel 7 of Detroit, an ABC affiliate, posted the following to their Facebook page:

After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19? If you're willing to share your family's story, please DM us your contact information. We may reach out for a story we're working on.

So it is quite clear that they had a particular story line in mind: an unvaccinated person contracts COVID-19, suffers and eventually dies. Lesson of the story: get vaccinated, stay alive.

We don't have access to the posters' DM's but we do to the public post and reactions and public responses to it. And they paint a different picture. The responses break out as following as of this writing: some 9,000 angry, some 8,000 straight likes and some 7,000 laughing. I guess the suggested grave and instructive story line did not impress the readers. Comments reflect as much.

Here are some samples:

Dany Jo
No stories on that. But a guy I knew got his shot and 2 days later dropped dead of a heart attack. Why don't you report on THAT

Sarah Prout
No matter what your perspective is, strengthen and take care of your health and your immune system. I’d like to see a story about the most powerful ways to stay healthy. Not just one steady stream of fear.

Kim Hough-Franks
My mother passed away 3 weeks ago from covid… she was fully vaxxed back in January

Katie Jeroudi
A friend of a parent went into cardiac arrest almost immediately after receiving second dose. >They were unableto revive her.
I alsoknow of someone who lost a limb due to a blood clot/circulation issue after being fully >vaccinated.
Hm. From the looks of the comments, you might want to change your story topic.

So it looks like this post turned into a forum where regular people got to exchange stories about their real-life experiences - and those experiences seem to imply something rather different from what the authors of the post expected.

I will commend WXYZ-TV Channel 7 of Detroit if they carry out their journalistic duties and investigate and report on the experiences reported in the comments. Sadly, based on my experience with the mainstream media that is highly unlikely. But this post gives us an invaluable window into public perception, regardless of what else comes of it.

We are hopefully seeing an awakening to what looks like a massive deception campaign. And that, if real, can not come soon enough.


DuckHK, Bitchute, 13 September 2021

WXYZ-TV Channel 7's Facebook post (PDF)

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