Apps to detect Unknown Callers

I remember back in those days when there were no apps that could help someone to detect calls which are unknown or to be able to block unwanted calls or numbers or discover blocked numbers..

There are some calls that we do not want to pick but we end up picking them because we did not know who and who is calling and that can really be frustrating..

But now all thanks to technology , we now have different effective apps that can help an individual to identify unknown callers and that could help a person to prevent various spam calls and unwanted people calling you frequently..

Here are some effective apps to help you deal with unknown callers.

1..The number one on the list is truecaller..


Truecaller is a popular app that can help a person to identify any unknown callers and it makes it possible for you to be able to block any type of unwanted calls on your phone.. The app helps to reveal the name of an anonymous caller as long as your mobile device is data compliant..
I like the truecaller because it is easy to use and understand and it is also effective can also use the truecaller to know if someone or people searched for your number too..

2.... Trapcall

The Trapcall is also a wonderful app that you could use to always unmask the identity of any caller and you can use the blacklist features on the app to block those numbers that are probably disturbing you and you want to avoid them..



The whowho is also an interesting app that can be used to prevent unwanted calls or block calls which you do not helps you to find out information about numbers that call you , it can help you to avoid unwanted calls too..

The cons is that the app is not available to some users in some countries..

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