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There is NO Graphene Oxide in the COVID vaccines. Period.


I've seen a lot of posts around that are trying to push the narrative that there is Graphene Oxide (GO) in the COVID vaccines. Let me help you out. There is absolutely no Graphene Oxide in the COVID vaccines.

Why are people saying so, if it is not.

It's all coming from one unfortunate and wrongly published paper and propagated by unscrupulous people and organizations looking to capture eyeballs, clicks and views. Follow the money.

The errant report was filed by Pablo Campra Madrid, on June 28th, 2021. He's a professor at the University of Almeria. It is published here. It is being taken as fact even though his own University denounced it as an "unofficial report by a university professor about an analysis of a sample of unknown origin with a total lack of traceability"

Faced with the false information disseminated on some social networks and blogs about a report provisional from a professor at the University of Almeria, who seems to question vaccines faced with Covid-19, the University of Almeria communicates that:

It is flatly false the the University of Almeria has carried out a scientific study with the results that are being published by those media that, on the other hand, are misrepresenting the content of an unofficial report by a University professor about a[sic] analysis of a sample of unknown origin with total lack of traceability. Report that this University neither subscribes nor shares, as the report itself warns.

The University of Almeria, as an academic institution, seamlessly supports vaccines as scientifically unquestionable instrument to fight disease.

The University of Almeria studies and reserves the possibility of directing civil and criminal actions against those who continue to disclose the falsehoods that this communication denies.

The vaccine vials were sent to the author by a "messenger service" and does not disclose the source. He then compared images of the liquid with those of graphene oxide and concluded that they looked similar. This study, if it can be called such is a slap in the face of science. There's so much wrong with it starting with perhaps traceable lots from the manufacturer; a reproducible methodology, validation from multiple samples... ah, never mind smells like poop, feels like poop, must be poop.

So take a look at the narrative of the post that you are reading that spouts the claim that Graphene Oxide is in the vaccine. If they talk about a Spanish study that discovered GO in the Pfizer vaccine you now know where the source came from.

Oh, But Wait. What about that video!

Right, ok. You mean the one that shows that people are magnetic after the vaccine because there is Graphene Oxide in the vaccines? Gotcha. Or was that the one where the microchips were in the vaccines there's a few, doesn't matter both follow the same bull.

While it's true graphene oxide nanoparticles are an amazing discovery they have not made it into the COVID vaccine. There are a lot of posts that will try to tell you otherwise but ask yourself why? What's the motivation behind their posts. Check out their other posts and the themes of their posts are they leaning towards conspiracies? Look for perpendicular sources of information and see if the consensus holds. Does what you are being told actually make sense?

Just think about it

For instance. Graphene Oxide is dark brown to black. Even in a reduced graphene oxide powder, it is still light brown. Claims state that the vaccines are 99% graphene oxide. If you look at the vaccines they are all clear and transparent or clear and slightly yellow. If Graphene Oxide is in the vaccines they would look like this image of graphene oxide in a solution below - not so clear.

image source -

SO, there's no graphene oxide in the vaccines

Right, there is not. What you are being told has been thoroughly debunked. The paper that says it's so is not supportable, the common sense says it's not in there and all you have to fall back on is people trying to convince you that there is a conspiracy to hide the graphene oxide content in the vaccines. Again, commons sense would ask you to ask why? What purpose does it serve to put Graphene Oxide in the vaccines? There is none other than some conspiracy.

Why do so many fall for conspiracies

Watch this rationale to conspiracy theories - defend yourself against being susceptible to these conspiracies and educate yourself. Does what people are telling you make sense and why?

Start asking questions and ask for proof of these claims and not supported by a Youtube video, meme or someone that just says so(regardless of their professional status.) Check the sources and be prepared to read through a lot of nonsense.

What do you think of all the misinformation out there?

  • Dangerous
  • Just noise, ignore it
  • Fight back
  • Lost cause