It is now time to announce the recipient of the special prize of our LMAC-STEMsocial art contest. We remind that the winning image will be used in several future publications of STEMsocial, and its author will be set as a 5% to 10% beneficiary for all these posts. This will last forever, or at least until our world turns dark, or even until our universe becomes dominated by dark energy (well... this is in fact already the case... so let's forget about that).
Our jury, introduced here, comprised @gentleshaid, @lemouth and @mobbs. We had the difficult task to find out which one of the 15 final entries would be the best pick as a window of the STEMsocial community.
Each of us started by giving his 5 preferences. Next, each entry appearing at least twice in the master list (i.e. the list defined by the union of all three lists) was selected for the next round. We ended up with 5 names:
- @seckorama and their AI-driven entry.
- @justclickindiva and their fractalistic proposal.
- @enzor and their mind-blowing composition.
- @raj808 and their gateway to the multiverse.
- @edgarafernandezp and their solid handshake.
Then we started to have endless discussions, followed by another round of endless discussions. And amazingly we converged on a top 3.
First place: @raj808
The infinite expression of the multiverse
The infinite expression of the multiverse
This contribution to the contest ticked both the creativity and the science items, two elements to which we were all quite sensitive. Moreover, the entry post included a very interesting description of the context. For that reason, we are pleased to select this contribution as our top choice.
@raj808: Would it be possible to request an extra version of this image with the STEMsocial logo? Thanks in advance.
Second place: @seckorama
The art, the science, and the AI
The art, the science, and the AI
We were quite sensitive to the hard work put in this contribution, which resulted in a very colourful version of dark matter. Moreover, the post offers a possibility to follow each step of the creation process, which is definitely a plus.
Third place: @edgarafernandezp
The hands of dark matter
The hands of dark matter
Dark matter holding the universe together through its hands is the colourful interpretation of this contribution, which comes with a nice introduction post including many details about how to get to the resulting collage.
The famous last words
We all had fun with this contest, and were very happy to witness its success. Feel free to pass by once in a while, on Discord or directly within our community on Hive.
We wish all of you a happy not-so-dark-anymore week!
PS: @raj808, @seckorama, @edgarafernandezp, @justclickindiva and @enzor have been respectively set as 10%, 5%, 3%, 1% and 1% beneficiaries of this post.