The Dark side of appetite supressant

The Dark side of appetite suppressant

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Today, appetite suppressant use is increasing day by day as obesity rates and associated risk increase. The purpose of using appetite suppressants is to curb hunger and get rid of constant cravings as these are the reasons behind weight gain.

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Appetite suppressants send a signal to the brain that you're full, no matter how much you've eaten. Appetite suppressants are basically weight loss pills that work by suppressing your appetite. Many people prefer these pills, but has anyone ever thought about the side effects of appetite suppressants?

There are two types of appetite suppressants; over-the-counter and on prescription. Over-the-counter appetite suppressants are mainly used because one can easily get the pill that suits one's needs. To buy a prescription appetite suppressant you need a doctor's approval, which in many cases is not possible. If you are gaining weight or are overweight, your doctor will never prescribe a prescription appetite suppressant to control

Side Effects of Appetite Suppressants

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The best way is to get some over-the-counter appetite suppressants.
There are tons of appetite suppressants on the market, and you can order them online too. Because over-the-counter appetite suppressants are in high demand, many brands began making the pills, but not all live up to the claim they made when they were first launched. Some fake brands only care about counting dollars instead of offering quality products. You should beware of these scammers.

Only quality appetite suppressants work the way you want them to.
You may experience appetite-suppressing side effects if you choose the wrong or counterfeit product. All dieters should be aware of appetite-suppressant side effects that they may not be aware of. Take a look at appetite suppressant dosage, which plays an important role.


Before proceeding with appetite suppressant side effects, you should know how important the correct dosage is. Whenever one takes appetite suppressants, one needs to be sure of the dosage that one is taking.
almost always comes with the pickup you buy.

An appetite suppressant comes with or comes with a dosage guide.
If the pill you want to choose doesn't match the dosage guide and ingredient list, then try to avoid these pills as they might be fake. Each over-the-counter pill allows you to take a different dose. You can take one or two pills a day to help suppress your appetite.

Your pill does not have to be taken once or twice a day.
Always follow the instructions that come with your pills. Overdosing can lead to appetite-suppressing side effects. If you miss a dose, skip it with the second dose. The extra dose will never benefit you, but it can have appetite-suppressing side effects.

If you are taking a prescription appetite suppressant, follow your doctor's recommendations. If you experience any discomfort, contact your doctor immediately. Whatever appetite suppressant you take, the dosage is important, and how and when you take it depends on how and when you take it.

Intake Appetite suppressants right at the right time can help you avoid all appetite suppressant side effects.

Side effects of appetite suppressants

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As we discussed above, the main cause of Side effects can be a fake dietary supplement or the wrong dosage.
There are many dieters who take appetite suppressants to control hunger, but most are unaware of the side effects.

Low energy
Appetite suppressants reduce hunger and make you eat less, which is fine and also promotes weight loss. You can continue without eating much for breakfast. In short, you've started eating fewer calories, e.g. B. 100 calories at lunch and maybe 300 calories at dinner. You feel good because you're not as hungry as you used to be.

Happiness fades when you plan to do some exercises like walking lunges and bodyweight squats because They feel like they're gasping for air. In addition, the heart rate increases so much that it feels like it will explode. You also feel dizzy and weak. And then you have to stop exercising. It happens due to low energy from not eating enough.

Unpleasant side effects
Users are likely to experience some unpleasant side effects, including insomnia, drowsiness, constipation, sweating, increased blood pressure, excessive thirst, increased heart rate, weakness, anxiety, abdominal cramps, headache, irregular bowel movements, bowel disorders, blurred vision, dizziness, irritability and dry mouth.

People with Any of the following symptoms should contact your
doctor immediately:

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  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Decreased physical activity
  • Swelling in the lower legs or feet
  • Confusion
  • Nervousness
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Palpitation
  • Interaction

The appetite suppressant you are taking may interact with your medications. There are some people who have an illness or medical history. These people should be careful as both pills can interact and cause side effects.

Anyone suffering from medical conditions like epilepsy, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, glaucoma, blood pressure, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, and drug or alcohol abuse should consult their physician before taking an appetite suppressant.

Whether you take prescription or over-the-counter appetite suppressants, you should speak to your doctor if you are taking any other medications. It's always a safe idea, otherwise, you could face serious side effects.


Taking the wrong supplement can cause side effects. In addition, an overdose or incorrect dosage can also lead to side effects.
The most common problem some people face when taking appetite suppressants is a lack of energy.

Taking appetite suppressants with other medications can be risky, as both can interact with each other.


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